I just bought the game on PC DVD from Walmart...I can't tell you if it is any good or not because I haven't been able to successfully install it yet...it seems to be downloading off the internet even though I have the DVD version.
I've been reading the Atari forums and it seems that Atari have no real interest in deveolping/testing/selling this particular game...it makes you wonder if they are just releasing a DnD title for legal reasons...it kinda reminds me of the law where if you let somebody else work your land for x amount of years...its considered abandoned and ownership can transfer to the other guy. I wonder if they are just releasing the game to re-assert their claim on the franchise.
Anyway..if I get it installed I'll update you all on the gameplay.
Main Toons = Alphasixsix - Blackbell - Ironsack - Deltasix - Ironflute
Leader of 'Vampire Night Guard'
Euro Refugee...both in game and out.
[QUOTE=Memnir;3820506]I think Atari dumping Cryptic may bode a bit worse for the new NWN.
I was worried about this at first, but it seems they are still going ahead with their Beta next month and they keep updating on facebook and twitter. who knows how this is all going to be handled.
do you really go by someone elses opinion?. im a big fan of checking it out myself. sites get paid for good reviews, dont pay bad review.just look at the link we had a month ago to a site that reviewed ddo.it was plain for all that the reviewer didnt even try the game because his facts were all wrong. he pushed things in pvp that were not even close to truth.
Or a pc game that allows you to play with several friends online? Like NWN...?
"People think that I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It's in a glass jar on my desk.” Stephen King
Doken - Human Evasion Paladin 11P/2R/3F
Yeah thats what I'm trying right now...
The disc kept failing the install at about 50% or about 25 mins of slow progress.
I noticed that it was added to my Steam account...so I abandoned the Disc install and am trying that route...seems much better...I am now at about 90% after 10 mins getting about 1.5 MB per sec.
Edit: it just finished installing as I wrote this...10 mins not bad....why not just use steam anyway...oh well..on to the game (hopefully)
Last edited by English_Warrior; 05-26-2011 at 01:32 PM.
Main Toons = Alphasixsix - Blackbell - Ironsack - Deltasix - Ironflute
Leader of 'Vampire Night Guard'
Euro Refugee...both in game and out.
A friend and I both picked this game up last night, and were playing it for about five hours.
Here's the pros:
It's a budget game. $15 US.
Action RPG, loot driven co-op gameplay. It's basically Gauntlet with the words "Dungeons and Dragons" on the cover.
Little to no character customization.
The NPC dwarves that you have to put up with constantly are uglier than DDO's half-elves.
Honestly, we're having a lot of fun with it. We didn't expect it to have a meaningful story, or a good interpretation of D&D rules. I picked it up expecting it to be cheap, and like Gauntlet. That's exactly what it is.
Games like this are great for co-op play with friends.
It's a PC/Console game with a co-op option, but I think max players is 4.
And hell, only 10 levels? No wonder it's boring and sucks. You don't get anything good in 4e until at least level 11 and the Paragon Paths, IMO.
But, it makes for an easier game to not implement those. It does look rather rushed out the door. :/
Wonder if they have a trial....
Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.
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Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
Hmm...wants me to sign into gamespy...I havent used my gamespy account for a good 5 years or so...lets see if I can remember it.
Issue 1: Chooses ridiculous screen resolution to start then has no confirmation box after changing resolutions...that is a disaster waiting to happen.
Issue 2: Lol...says press any key at the intro screen...yet ONLY space bar will move you onwards.
Issue 3: Seems that there is no way to change the default controls...guess Im stuck using WASD....lets try the xbox controller.
Main Toons = Alphasixsix - Blackbell - Ironsack - Deltasix - Ironflute
Leader of 'Vampire Night Guard'
Euro Refugee...both in game and out.
Hey Memnir, thanks for the info. Although I had already anticipated a 'weak' game to begin with here is my take:
1. Published by Atari with no real hype to push sales (sounds familiar eh??)
2. Limited to 4 character race/class combinations
3. 4E Rules (in and of itself, I wasn't real excited about)
So, I wrapped up my workload a bit early yesterday to get home and try it out (just for prosperity's sake - i mean it does carry a D&D title). NO local retailers had it in stock (Walmart, BestBuy, GameStop, etc), granted living in 'central Indiana' that puts a damper on a lot of the choices in itself. No biggie...
Got home, checked online availability, closest retailer that had it was one of the malls down in Indianapolis (about 45 min to an hour away). Decided "don't wanna try it THAT bad". Looked around online for digital download for PC - not until next month.Are you kidding me? I mean yeah consoles get more game time these days than PC - but sorry to inform Atari but more D&D fans look for PC format before console (IMO) due to the amount of info that can be included in a PC game far excels that of a console unit (simple matter of hardrive space; again IMO).
So even though I WAS interested in trying it out (since it is a D&D game). Definately not gonna waste the time or extended effort to do so now. May Atari crash and burn like they should have back when they released the 'Jaguar' console and 'Lynx' portable system. I swear some companies have no business getting a 'bailout'. Repeat failure, is repeat failure - either make a profit or go away...just my 2 cp.
I believe in mind over matter. If I don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Sarlona! Yep, back again.
I played it with a friend a bit the other day, and I can say with sureness that the problems don't really stem from 4e, I couldn't even tell it was based on 4e. I'm no big fan of 4e or anything, it's ok, but the problems with daggerdale are far from starting with that. The gameplay is horrible, the story was hilariously bad (*spoiler* the character named silvertongue who you see suspiciously leaving turns out to be a traitor!) it deserved as bad a reviews as it got.
Arannel, Aqueous, Cocobolo, Arboreous, Erudirion, Congruous, and Cogs
Ghallanda Rerolled
LOL, DDO looks way better then this game. Although, I wish DDO will add cutscenes with artist's drawings into the game for more "cinematic" feel to the story of some major quest lines.
Finally, wouldn't it be cool if DDO added a temple of elemental evil (like a pretty decent port of the original paper and pencil game)? Remember the toEE is extra-planar meaning it can be on any world at any point in time.