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  1. #1
    Community Member Fontora's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Stormreach Thieves Guild

    tl;dr - Great guildies, check them out.

    Not sure if there has been a post for these guys, but I had the 'pleasure' of running with a few of there members the other night. After a healerless run of Weapons Shipment that went smoothly we went over to Genesis Point after picking up a Cleric.

    Three of the group were in the guild and seemed to be very friendly (perhaps slightly intoxicated) and oh so vocal. I was a stones throw away from hitting 20 and working on my next TR so I thought this would be some easy XP and then I could make a start on grinding with noobs again. Hah.. ass.. you.. me.. and umption.

    After starting to clear the top ring it became apparent no one really knew what to do, although a few had run it previously. Without naming names.. the bard () asked the other guys if there was the quest where he passed out last time.. and the general consensus was.. it was. Oh dear this wasn't looking good. There was brief mention of checking the wiki, but this was ignored.

    So we ran around the top killing and pulling every lever we could find. After a few laps we found a portal and moved down to the bottom and started clearing. I should mention at this point our Wizard seemed to have done this quest a few times before but his English was not the greatest so there were intermittent 'Noo.. Nooo.. NOOOOOO!!!!' - however not much other advice could be given so we continued.

    Super Kitty! - Uploaded with

    We got to the prisoner pens and were not sure what to do, I assumed all those levers up the top must have something to do with it. 'Super' monk decides he can use his ninja flying skills to get into the pen to free the prisoners.. and he makes it into one (still have no idea how). Woot one prisoner rescued. Er.. guys? Guys.. how do I get out.. GG monk. Stuck in the pen, and not even a prisoner to talk to because he was freed! Thankfully a DDoor made it through the barrier and he escaped.. stupid monks.

    After fiddling some controls I got the pens down and moved onto the maze. Wasn't too hard, except I had no idea what I was doing.. and the fairly drunken / tired group wasn't being too helpful and seemed to be running around wildly. Got the barriers down and did the book.. and then probably due to something I pulled instantly teleported to a fight (no chests!).

    The quest text indicated we needed to strike a strategic objective.. however like we had been doing the whole quest the first lever we found was pulled which resulted in a shroud-esque battle at the end. At this point I should mention super bard had not failed to live up to his expectations.. and had passed out again. We climbed the ladders and started to be mushed into a paste by the wildmen, devils and orthons. Thanks to some epic kiting and healing and many trips back to the shrine(s) and portal trips.. we finally got the last portal down... looted and ran.

    Uploaded with

    NB: Dead passed out Bard, Deaths, Completion time.

    Now this may sound like a complaint against the Stormreach Thieves Guild.. however it is anything but. This was probably one of the most fun quests I have done this life (well last life now), they were very entertaining, good players, hard working and tenacious. At no point was giving up an option (passing out is allowed however) - even though I had 'joked' about it once.

    Flickering - Super Cleric
    Hypotenuse - Acrobatic 'help me I'm stuck in the pens' Zerger
    Jiayie - Zzzzzz Master
    Demoneque - Proof lvl 16 can do Shavarath (ignore the 11 deaths)
    Alsstar - Person we wished could give more information than 'Noooooooo!'
    Fontora - Dwarf fanatic

    Hope to quest with you guys again - would be the first guild I'd consider joining.

    tl;dr - Great guildies, check them out.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2007


    As the aforementioned passed out bard - i do remember most of this quest, and the thing i was enjoying the most was that all the people not passing out intermittently were screwing things over completely but still managing to keep going (eg, the monk ).

    Lessons (re)learnt
    - no one knowing a quest can add s**tloads of time to completion
    - ive actually resisted joining quests i might not make it through since this one due to alcohol levels
    - JOIN US! As long as you like to enjoy yourself.

    Oh, and the ONLY time ive been in a reavers raid that failed...was a guild run.....

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