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  1. #41
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cauthey View Post
    This got me to thinking...

    Does an XP potion add it's standard benefit when XP rolls due to reaching a slayer threshold in a wilderness area?

    Cause, if it could setup multiple wilderness areas to need 1-2 more kills, drink your potion, and then rack up huge XP in a matter of a few minutes.
    I still have some older alts with capped slayer areas kills.

    Back when the level cap was going up to 16 many players set up wilderness areas prior to the new cap ... within 50 or so kills on Orchard and Desert tops ends. When the vale was released people went from level 14 (the prior cap) to the new cap 16 within minutes.

    Oh, btw ask any old vet what the significance of the first threnal giant was.
    Last edited by Emili; 05-28-2011 at 03:11 PM.
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  2. #42
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post
    Oh, btw ask any old vet what the significance of the first threnal giant was.
    Poor guy.
    I almost felt bad for him. Almost.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  3. #43
    Founder Kushiel's Avatar
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    Default Wildernesses Are Nice

    I like the Wilderness Zones. I wouldn't mind seeing more added - especially if they are linked thematically to existing quest lines, or new ones as they are released.

    When I don't have an XP pot going I'll try to work current level appropriate zones up to ~20 kills before the next xp bump would trigger. Then when I'm on the waning minutes of the XP pot I'll quickly cycle through them and kill enough to trigger that xp while having the boost benefit.

    I, like others have mentioned, find 3BC to be one of the most enjoyable. Partly because there are enough foes out there that it is one of the zones where getting 1500 kills isn't a complete soul-numbing grind! Some of the zones it is a rediculous waste of space that one has to run through while seeing no kills; the desert is great, I love the desert... but there are stretches of it where there is *nothing* going on.

    I'd like to see more foes made available per run in zones.

    Restless Isles is the worst: broken mapping, zoning in/out/in/out/in/out of little spots with few kills, one frelling Rare that you need someone with deity-like Intimidate (or something... i've never seen it actually done and I've never made it there with a character able to boost up to the right number) to get to, and a lot of running around through halls with *nothing* going on.

    In the zones that have 1500+ kill caps, not every foe needs to be a serious fight either. Populate zones with some minor minion-like critters that can quickly be mowed down while on the march up to 3000/7500 kills.

  4. #44
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    I just wish they'd eliminate the grouping of monsters you need to slay.

    Gianthold, Vale, sands are all horrible at having 2-3 different groupings you need for each sum its a pain to have to go fight 50 drow each run when max cap is 3000. Why not make sands cap 7,500 kills for xp and eliminate the groups? Same with Gianthold and Vale. I'd be more inclined to do it that way.

  5. #45
    Community Member Talias006's Avatar
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    Near as I can tell, it's a story plot device that they have different groups of monsters to slay. Don't recall much of Sands, but GH is that way, and would wager that Vale and others are like this also. Maybe not in a big or defined way, but again, a plot device.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Coyle still hates you.

  6. #46
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Let's chant! Greeeen Dragon Greeeen Dragon!

  7. #47
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I don't mind explorer zones. They're nice for when there is nothing much happening, or when I don't feel like PUGing and just want to while away some time. Since my game-time is a lot more casual these days, knowing I can just pop into a zone for a quick DDO fix and bail when RL calls and not bail on a group or commit to a longer quest then I should - it works for me.
    ^ This! As the mommy of a very tempestuous toddler I can only dedicate his naptime to quests and grouping and sometimes not even then if he's not sleeping well. Wilderness Areas give me a chance to do something with my character without penalizing those I group with if RL takes precedence.

    /signed I luv Wilderness Zones

    also I'm going to keep bringing this up until a dev comments on it:

    QUOTE=Aelonwy;3755847]I luv 3BC (well mostly the wilderness but a couple of the quests too), however, here are some suggestions from previous threads that could improve the pack:

    1. Pirate themed named loot... think crystal cove but far less uber.
    2. Over-arching quest line/quest giver... think someone like the lead quest giver for Sharn Syndicate.
    3. Major end quest or pirate style raid perhaps involving airships... personally I think something should be done with the giant white arch by the Rare Troll that doesn't even have an explorer location.
    4. Have the intermittent quest givers (those the lead quest giver would point you to) teleport you to their respective quest locations (but only after you have them, say from one explorer run through) much like its done in Tangler Root.
    5. Possibly, bumping the quest levels up abit thus the xp abit too, placing them more advantageously in the whole course of the game.[/QUOTE]

  8. #48
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    I would like to see more wilderness zones too.

  9. #49
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post

    10 minute run thru the orchard - TR'd on my bard - Total 26k xp, including some nameds. Really not too bad.

    First time run all explorers and about 6 rares - ~40k xp for approx 1 hour.

    Peaceful. Easy way to make plat on a caster.

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