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Thread: Drama Time.

  1. #41
    Community Member Alektronic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaisMatters View Post
    PLEASE, the moment you titled this thread with the word "drama" in it you were looking for flaming, your just mad the flames are burning you.
    Exactly. I'm surprised that the majority of you guys feel that I should have healed the guy. Apparently, my concept of "healer" is very different from the majority of those posting in this thread.

    Good job summing up my post and totally missing the content.
    -Thelanis toons- Alektronic (wolf), Bakeneko (monk), Ghyldra (druid), Hermeros (crafter), Lecker (wf wiz),
    Panaceus (elemental barb), Quallus (SDK), Taigong (acrobat), Vamprix (warlock), Vercigetorix (bard)

  2. #42
    Community Member Zorack00's Avatar
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  3. #43


    Wait, so you had 90% of your power left over and could have soloed the quest, yet you chose to group. Then, rather than working with the group you decided to give a newb wizard some tough love on self healing?

    Meh, you are the one making drama at that point. It would have cost you absolutely nothing to toss a cure spell. You weren't going to use the power anyways, you were standing next to him. Why not do it? If I were the newb wizard I would have been fairly ticked, too. Either he is forced to drink pots for a quick fill, or rely on his sketchy umd and be late to the fight. If he is a new player, he could very well be low on plat. Why not conserve his resources when they aren't necessary, if all it costs you is a half a second?
    Sorry man, you were being a jerk for the sake of what?

    Now, I am not a newb, and have more plat and resources than you probably ever will. I have a melee flavored soul. I would have tossed the nub a cure. No bark off my back.

    The only thing I am on your side about in this whole thing is that dude went way overboard in is response to you. He should of just /shrugged when you refused to give him a free cure, grabbed his end loot and gone his own way. While it wouldn't of hurt you at all to top him off for free, it also doesn't hurt him at all to pike the end of an easy quest.

    Now if newb wiz was actually not willing to drink cure pots to make a point, not because he lacked funds, well then, you are both being obstinate just for the sake of an unneeded lesson.
    Leader of Lost Legions

  4. #44
    Community Member Alektronic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lost_Leader View Post
    Wait, so you had 90% of your power left over and could have soloed the quest, yet you chose to group. Then, rather than working with the group you decided to give a newb wizard some tough love on self healing?

    Meh, you are the one making drama at that point. It would have cost you absolutely nothing to toss a cure spell. You weren't going to use the power anyways, you were standing next to him. Why not do it? If I were the newb wizard I would have been fairly ticked, too. Either he is forced to drink pots for a quick fill, or rely on his sketchy umd and be late to the fight. If he is a new player, he could very well be low on plat. Why not conserve his resources when they aren't necessary, if all it costs you is a half a second?
    Sorry man, you were being a jerk for the sake of what?

    Now, I am not a newb, and have more plat and resources than you probably ever will. I have a melee flavored soul. I would have tossed the nub a cure. No bark off my back.

    The only thing I am on your side about in this whole thing is that dude went way overboard in is response to you. He should of just /shrugged when you refused to give him a free cure, grabbed his end loot and gone his own way. While it wouldn't of hurt you at all to top him off for free, it also doesn't hurt him at all to pike the end of an easy quest.

    Now if newb wiz was actually not willing to drink cure pots to make a point, not because he lacked funds, well then, you are both being obstinate just for the sake of an unneeded lesson.
    Thanks for the well-thought out response.

    I understand that I fabricated the drama (especially by posting on the forums). Part of it prolly is, I consciously,subconsiously,w/e don't want to make life easier for someone who (in my view) doesn't want to take care of himself, or ask nicely for a heal. This guy just struck me as so far in left field (I've run into many of these at cap), but I've never felt obligated to do anything about until now playing a healer.

    As a healer, I feel somewhat responsible to either bite the bullet and deal with people's lack of sensitivities (eg heal noob) or actually attempt to put my foot down. I suppose, for some, I'm coming off as a drama queen of sorts. I just expected to post this on the forum and get a few posts back from healers who agree, and see what their takes/thoughts were on "these types" of players, or whether what I did was really out of line. Seems like most people turn a blind eye to the personality behind the keyboard, though, and just fill red bars until you run out of blue. This type of feedback really discourages me from playing my healer with anyone besides guildies or toons I already know in game. My gf felt the same way on her evoker, I've read it a few times on the forums, but never really understood the frustration (just give them the finger and move on??) til now.
    Last edited by Alektronic; 05-27-2011 at 09:40 AM. Reason: Breaking up the WoT
    -Thelanis toons- Alektronic (wolf), Bakeneko (monk), Ghyldra (druid), Hermeros (crafter), Lecker (wf wiz),
    Panaceus (elemental barb), Quallus (SDK), Taigong (acrobat), Vamprix (warlock), Vercigetorix (bard)

  5. #45


    Your o.p. may be missing some information about the dudes attitude, if that was why you were brushing him off. From what I read, it was that a newb used an item to trade hp for sp to be better prepared for an end fight. He then wanted a cure from the healer (you). You felt he should replace his own hps since it was his choice to use said item, so you ignored his response for a heal and just continued with the rest of the group to polish of the quest.

    You then went on to say that it was not a matter of lack of sp on your part, but more just frustration that a newb couldnt self cure self inflicted damage, or at least, he couldnt in a timely fashion.

    Also, this probably wouldnt have bugged you much if the newb hadnt flipped out and sent you nasty tells afterwards.

    Now, my original response is how I feel about above situation. But, on the other hand, if the newb was actually a donkey-hat throughout the whole quest, being a jerk on general principle, well then... more power to you.

    And, if your thought was more a question about playing a melee healer and how much will you need to deal with newbie players who rely on you more than they should, well sorry to say it, but it comes with the territory. Especially if you are the only heal capable class in the party.

    But, part of what makes playing such a character fun is the absolute intensity of it in full party situations when the excrement hits the fan. Keeping track of health bars, party locations, monster locations, priority enemy targets, adding melee damage, casting DoTs and blade barriers and heals and mass cures. Doing all this with a full party in quests like say, elite amrath, without losing a single party member, is intense and darn good fun. Level 7 running through Deleras tossing a nub a cure just really aint no thang.
    Leader of Lost Legions

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