Think im seeing a trend.
I answer post, someone tells me im not a dev and they dont trust me..
Eladrin confirms what I said.
definetely not the first time it's happened. probably not the last.![]()
So you neither confirm or deny that the level cap is going up, or are you confirming or denying that the cap wont go up but if it did ml items would raise accordingly.
Does this apply to toons as well since I have been gaining xp in certain quests with my capped toons will that xp apply to my toon IF the level was raised so he would still be capped?
Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.
All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)
That would definitely make going from level 20 to the new cap interesting for a fair number of characters. When 80%+ of your gear is Epic or level-cap crafted items, you'll get to enter the new quests mostly naked.
I don't think that will actually be a problem since anyone that has Epic items also has Greensteel and other raid loot to use until they can get those Epic items back. I still predict much wailing and gnashing of teeth when it happens, though.
Supposedly even a broken clock is right twice a day
In this thread alone, you thought crafting capped at 20 – which was a good guess as it turned out to be right – but you also repeatedly state that the cap is never going up, despite constant Dev statements to the contrary.
AT BEST you are 50% in this thread, and that is being generous, as it would probably be more accurate to say that Shade posted something and a Dev refuted it… wonder why people do not trust you?![]()
Everything I said was 100% accurate. It is CLIPPED to 20, I did not say capped. Theres a difference.
Also when I think something, 99% of the time, it's true everytime. Good enough odds for me.
Whatever your future predictions are.. Are wrong. DDO will never get lvl21+, thanks for your interest, eladrin will be confirming this later ;p (and be worded in such a way that someone will find a hole in t to convolute the words into the exact oposite meaning)
Laugh, good luck with that
Clips/Caps/Maxes out – all the same. It is funny how guessing at something makes you 100% right… especially when you are often as not wrong. Unlike you I am not making any predictions, but if I did, I would not be so stupid as to ignore what EVERY producer has said since beta.
Are you going to predict that Druids are not really coming next?
If he were to state that Druids were not to be coming next, he would automatically have Dev backing and therefore be right.
Level caps are a capricious lot. You never know when the next one will come around the corner. And they can be of differing types, depending on context. Just my 2cp.