thought it was about one of my bards except i dont von unless someone cashes in a favor :P
Halflings Ruleand never irritate anyone that can cast dispell
1. Deutsch
2. Oesterreichisch
There are German speakers on Sarlona. I'm not chopped liver, y'know. More seriously, you sure the person does not speak English or simply opts to not speak it. I know there are several out there who are perfectly capable of the English language they just don't want people to know. Much more fun that way.
Characters on Sarlona: Ungnad (Morninglord, Wizard 17 / Favored Soul 2 / Fighter 1) -- Baerktghar (Dwarf, Paladin 18 / Fighter 2) -- Simulacruhm (Bladeforged, Artificer 16 / Paladin 3 / Wizard 1)
No matter what side of the argument you are on, you always find people on your side that you wish were on the other.
-- Jascha Heifetz
You speak German?
And yes... I suppose that is true.
Little story - I speak Korean. Or.. at least, I used to. I don't know, it's been about three years since then. Anyway, I was in Korea. Korean cabbie, but working for our Armed Forces over there. We started having a little "dispute"... and suddenly, he didn't know any English. Amazingly didn't understand my words.Was very nice being able to swap into his native tongue.
Sadly, I don't have that option here - I can hook up people I can talk to, or who are willing to talk to me. Here, I think it would be best if someone more capable of casual communication took the torch.
Can I toss rice at her? I think I have some extra. I hope it bypasses her dr
Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~