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  1. #61
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post

    And thank you for the neg rep, whoever that was.
    I gave you some pos rep to help balance it out ;-)

  2. #62
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartinusWyllt View Post
    Getting declined because they don't understand that the wiz/rog is very likely to be much better at search/disable is definitely post-worthy. Why would you bother bumping it if you didn't think it should be a topic of discussion in the first place? Oh, right, to preach about forming your own lfm...congrats?

    (BTW, is Sarlona becoming > Khyber for drama?)

    The drama has always been there, just kept it to ourselves. Just comes a point when you have to let it out...

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  3. #63
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    This is the fault of two things;

    1. F2P.
    2. Burne.

    In that order.
    Hey now!!!! I rolled up a 18/2 wiz/rog how long ago. Granted I gave her the perfect name in Worthlesss
    Last edited by elraido; 05-24-2011 at 08:54 AM. Reason: Don't myddo her....I think I had con as a dump stat...Don't look at the gear either.
    Officer - Eternal Wrath
    Burne Level 20 Human Paladin

  4. #64
    Community Member jarod225's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    It seems since I've made this new character (2rog/8wiz currently) that I can't get into ANY group that's looking for a rogue. Every single time I bother trying to send a tell saying I can take care of their stupid traps I always get the same kind of reply.

    "lol no you can't"

    Has the player base really become THAT ignorant these days? I just tried to join a von4 group that was looking for a "rouge" (IT'S ROGUE, R.O.G.U.E, rouge is ****ing french for red) and after waiting 15min *points to the please decline thread* I get declined. So I send a tell saying "You think the rogue levels are just for show or something?". bla bla bla conversation goes on trying to explain him that you can get traps with ONE level of rogue but that is all obviously nonsense!

    "that's not true"
    "you messed up bad" (about the rogue levels)
    "yeah you go into something that isn't normal and get owned while wearing a dress"
    "dude sorc has nothing a rouge gains from" (did they swap wiz and sorc icon around? I didn't know!)
    "a lvl2 rouge would suck"

    "what's your numbers" ohhhhh THE question. I tell him what I have and what do you know, he sends an invite! But I thought I couldn't do anything? I told him I already wasted enough time and that I was not going to join as I was already doing something else anyway. (desert looting hoping to get money out of a bloodstone/ss ring/greaves)
    "ok go cry" "we needed a real rouge anyhow"

    Sarlona, I am disappoint.
    caster need a group?no! they only solo。。。
    25 toons now!
    i love pike,but i love solo also....
    in quest when i'm moving,i'm a zerger;if i stop ,i will pike....

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    Pffft… If you wanna see “misunderstood” try a Rogue/Cleric.


    As much as I am not a fan of 'qft' posts, I just have nothing else to add.

  6. #66
    Community Member Ugumagre's Avatar
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    Thinking again about the Rouge... I have to controll some labels for food, for several countries.
    Well, I had some "Prune Rogue" (Prune, french = Plum).
    Goat, Sammich, Poultry

  7. #67
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavek View Post
    usually peoples intelligence rises up when you come to amrath (and not even then)

    till then expect the expected
    Can´t say I agree - I refuse to run a single Amrath on my latest TR with PUG´s or unknown peeps.

    At 1st I figured I´ll MyDDO em and be safe... WRONG!! Theres a whole wave of Overgeared & Ignorant Noobs out there that it just isn´t safe anymore.

    The more I pug - the more I want Turbine to implement an Account-Wide "Notepad".

    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
    Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya

  8. #68
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post

    The drama has always been there, just kept it to ourselves. Just comes a point when you have to let it out...

    I do have to say that I'm so glad to have had been past being a teenager when the internet really took off...I would have had embarrassed the **** out of myself many times with fits of nerdrage...same goes for Youtube...avoided a good number of incredibly embarrassing videos from being posted...and hopefully those VHS tapes are pretty much toast by now...being a teenager kinda sucked.

  9. #69
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Welcome back Distributed.

    I sorta feel your pain, I have a wiz/rogue as well and can do most traps at level so far although my spot is a little low. Fortunately I've had a lot of guild groups so it's been going fine but pugging just sucks because of the lack of knowledge of the game by the player population.

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post
    Welcome back Distributed.

    I sorta feel your pain, I have a wiz/rogue as well and can do most traps at level so far although my spot is a little low. Fortunately I've had a lot of guild groups so it's been going fine but pugging just sucks because of the lack of knowledge of the game by the player population.
    Lucky you on groups. Joined another one today, told them I could take care of traps. Leader keeps LFM up for rogue for 20min. I left and I logged off.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    Lucky you on groups. Joined another one today, told them I could take care of traps. Leader keeps LFM up for rogue for 20min. I left and I logged off.
    Its a sad day when us 18/2 fighter/rogues and wizard/rogues that generally do better than the level 20 mechanic rogues aren't recognized as trappers. I generally just wait for them to fill and race the actual rogue to the traps and enjoy the highest kill count. Then I proceed to give them **** about not being able to keep up. That is just me though I guess.

    It all comes down to how you take it, I enjoy all aspects of the game most days. That encluded pugs stupidity. On a really bad day a good pug can increase amusement and enjoyment in the game if you let it. However, I give them **** but I refuse to highlight players shortcomings. If there is a fix I make a suggestion, if they sound interested I explain, if they get snotty... I leave them to their own doom.
    Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~

  12. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Kages View Post
    If there is a fix I make a suggestion, if they sound interested I explain, if they get snotty... I leave them to their own doom.
    Pretty much what I did, wouldn't believe I could get traps. Fine, I'll just let them get a rogue and wait. But meh, after 20min waiting and knowing I would have easily done the job I got too annoyed and logged.

  13. #73
    Community Member Ciaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Was actually in a VoD the other day where a pure rogue blew one of the traps... VoD Hard.

    I was like.. Pardon?
    I don't get it. My old Amazon (Barb/Rang/Rog) had a 12 INT, 20 with tome and gear and with raid buffs I disabled those things on a 1 on elite..ELITE FFS!

    I understand that pure rogue doesn't necessarily = trapmonkey...but that's just sad.

    What I love is when I see a pure rogue blow a trap and then DIE in it and explain they rolled "low" on their save. When asked what "low" was they say "a 10".

    (Admittedly that was an isolated incident, but it was still funny as hell. It wasn't Epic, either.)
    Last edited by Ciaran; 05-26-2011 at 02:42 PM.

  14. #74
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    Try playing a clonk, then you will see some serious discrimination.

    I would accept that build in as a trapmonkey, but not if the traps require you to evade constantly, such as VON 5.

    I like the 1rog/19wiz warforged build, and I don't try to evade traps, just have a good amount of HP and self heal through it. Works great for me.
    Successor of the Blackmoor Defenders [Ghallanda]

    Guild > Player > Build > Gear

  15. #75
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by varusso View Post
    At least a wiz/rog I know is almost guaranteed to be a trapper, whereas a pure rogue...well we all know the story there
    Ahhh but a pure ROUGE? They pwnsohard.

  16. #76
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    Wow, if this thread is serious things are COMPLETELY different on Thelanis. There a pure rogue is rejected over a "useful" class that can also get traps more than half the time. And, personally, sorry rogues, I agree. In my experience a 2/18 rogue / anything out performs a rogue. I know there are LOTS of good rogues out there, but there are also lots of "What do I need con for, I'm a trapmonkey" builds too. WAY too many.

    Also, this reminds me of the HILARIOUS thread about the capped 20 rogue that didn't have Disable Device. You remember that? He was "DPS" build.

  17. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by elixer1 View Post
    Try playing a clonk, then you will see some serious discrimination.

    I would accept that build in as a trapmonkey, but not if the traps require you to evade constantly, such as VON 5.

    I like the 1rog/19wiz warforged build, and I don't try to evade traps, just have a good amount of HP and self heal through it. Works great for me.
    I've been curious about how I would do in von5, but a normal life levels so fast I'm gonna end up over level before I'm flagged hehe. Being a pale master I can also heal myself, not as good as reconstruct but not too bad. I never push my luck either by relying on evasion, would likely still fail with 23 reflex in von5.

    And I'm sowwy if I have hurt someone's feelings, -rep again <3 (Not directed at quoted person, can't see who it comes from)

  18. #78
    Community Member Aztek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elixer1 View Post
    Try playing a clonk, then you will see some serious discrimination.

    I would accept that build in as a trapmonkey, but not if the traps require you to evade constantly, such as VON 5.

    I like the 1rog/19wiz warforged build, and I don't try to evade traps, just have a good amount of HP and self heal through it. Works great for me.
    did they get rid of the hidey safe spots in von5? hmm haven't played that in a while as a trapsmith.

    I think the solution to this whole thing is post an LFM saying "trapsmith wanted" or "healer wanted" - i don't care if you're a UMD paladin for healing or a 1-2 rogue splash for traps if you can get the job done.

    if someone advertises for rogue & you say "for traps? I can do traps really well" and they still reject you, you don't wanna be in that group if they are that bull headed.

    If they want Pure classes only, that's a philosophy choice and more power to them. so don't join
    Ghallanda - Spock's elvish cousin, not to mention his other Pointy* (Eared and otherwise) alts

  19. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    I've been curious about how I would do in von5,
    Actually, popping the north door and playing with the spinner/lightning trap pattern is a lotta fun ... I'd recommend it once you're flagged and have a little time to burn solo.
    Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
    The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen

  20. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by SableShadow View Post
    Actually, popping the north door and playing with the spinner/lightning trap pattern is a lotta fun ... I'd recommend it once you're flagged and have a little time to burn solo.
    I was planning to do exactly that, but I've been too lazy to solo flag the remaining quests ~.~

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