Last I checked it was bugged and while it killed monsters, if they had more than 1000 hp it didn't actually do the 100 damage. Has this fixed yet?
Last I checked it was bugged and while it killed monsters, if they had more than 1000 hp it didn't actually do the 100 damage. Has this fixed yet?
I could be wrong, but I believe the bug was if you had the Assassin ToD equipped, it was bugging out the 100 damage. Not sure if that has been fixed.
I haven't the ToD set on my Assassin, though, and have had no problems Assassinating, vorpalling, or seeing +100 damage. The trick is that it seems to throw the +100 into your sneak damage, so it won't show as an extra number if you have floating numbers. But you will see a sneak attack for something like +180 damage on a natural 20, which incorporates that extra damage.
Hope that helps.
I see, maybe I missed that part, remember seeing the topic on my cellphone, very nice to know it works as intended!
I'm not sure it got changed, didn't pay much attention to it after U9.1 but here is the thread about it:
Some people said they hadn't seen it on Llama in preview so i'd guess it's WAI if it's not fixed by now.
Same here... I have seen Vorpals and have done assassinations on epics... but I haven't seen one +100 hit on a 20.
Jonalicia,20th AssassinJonndar, 20th Assassin
Jonitillus, 20th Assassin TR1
Jonnor, 20th Exploiter
Jonfar,20th Pale Master TR2
Jonatron, 20th Pale Master
Jonitillius, 20th Assassin
Jonnbar,20th Assassin
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