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Thread: Korthos Shroud?

  1. #1
    Community Member stoopid_cowboy's Avatar
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    Default Korthos Shroud?

    Yup, you read that right!

    Who all would be brave enough to run a Korthos Shroud?
    What is a Korthos Shroud? Simple! A Korthos Shroud is only using weapons and armor you would use on Korthos Island. Remember when that Masterwork longsword was uber? That's what I am talking about!

    1: Masterwork weapons and armor max
    A. Weapons can be no better than Masterwork. +1's and higher will not be allowed.
    a. Weapons may have crafting applied. i.e. Force Crit, Festival Icy burst, addy ritual
    b. no crafted weapons allowed.
    c. Kudo points given for people using the rusted tutorial wepaons
    B. Armor can be no better than Masterwork.
    a. crafting rituals may be applied
    b. no crafted armors allowed
    c. Armor is optional
    2. Heavy fort recommended, but not required
    3. Some classes may be limited
    A. Maximum 2 arcanes will be allowed
    a. Arcanes will be restricted to the same weapon rules as melee
    b. Arcanes will be restricted to the same armor rules as melee
    B. ToD rings may be limited on monks
    C. AA's will be limited to Masterwork bows AND arrows. No imbued arrows allowed.

    This would be a Shroud to remember! Who's brave enough to pour a fresh drink and enjoy the Shroud again?


    p.s. Will plan a day and time if interest permits.
    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    I guess pants can be optional

  2. #2
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoopid_cowboy View Post
    Yup, you read that right!

    Who all would be brave enough to run a Korthos Shroud?
    What is a Korthos Shroud? Simple! A Korthos Shroud is only using weapons and armor you would use on Korthos Island. Remember when that Masterwork longsword was uber? That's what I am talking about!

    1: Masterwork weapons and armor max
    A. Weapons can be no better than Masterwork. +1's and higher will not be allowed.
    a. Weapons may have crafting applied. i.e. Force Crit, Festival Icy burst, addy ritual
    b. no crafted weapons allowed.
    c. Kudo points given for people using the rusted tutorial wepaons
    B. Armor can be no better than Masterwork.
    a. crafting rituals may be applied
    b. no crafted armors allowed
    c. Armor is optional
    2. Heavy fort recommended, but not required
    3. Some classes may be limited
    A. Maximum 2 arcanes will be allowed
    a. Arcanes will be restricted to the same weapon rules as melee
    b. Arcanes will be restricted to the same armor rules as melee
    B. ToD rings may be limited on monks
    C. AA's will be limited to Masterwork bows AND arrows. No imbued arrows allowed.

    This would be a Shroud to remember! Who's brave enough to pour a fresh drink and enjoy the Shroud again?


    p.s. Will plan a day and time if interest permits.
    May I make a suggestion? Just to make it fun.

    Instead of making stipulations on this that and the other guy, just limit all gear to ML1.

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  3. #3


    If you want to be totally gimped do it with flower bouquets! Last time I ran the Reaver I tanked him TWF bouquets, it was epic.

  4. #4
    Community Member stoopid_cowboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by k1ngp1n View Post
    Instead of making stipulations on this that and the other guy, just limit all gear to ML1.

    I would, but you can get +1 and +2 min. lvl 1 stuff.
    Maybe I should just call it a "Masterwork Shroud"

    But yes I see what you are saying. Not like a +2 is going to make much of a difference. LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    I guess pants can be optional

  5. #5
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by k1ngp1n View Post
    May I make a suggestion? Just to make it fun.

    Instead of making stipulations on this that and the other guy, just limit all gear to ML1.

    I agree with this, but would also want no Heavy Fort

    Im guessing only 2 casters because they will still have sorta good DPS with just their enhancements, and they will still be able to insta kill unless they totally gimp their main stat?

    Or are you having people reset their enhancements as well?
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  6. #6
    Community Member Dracey's Avatar
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    Yeah I think heavy fort should be against the rules, that's not something you'd pull off Korthos! With that said, I'd love to join

    P.S. Forget the ToD rings, make monks use Candy Canes as their weapons!!!

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  7. #7
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    and no mem pots and baubles spell storing rings either?

    And do people who where their starter rags get a cookie?

  8. #8
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    meh, just do it naked. and tell people that they are allowed to bring in the rusty longsword.
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  9. #9
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    Only allowing 2 arcanes seems umm bland, yea lets go with that.
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

  10. #10
    Community Member baylensman's Avatar
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    A group of us have done similar runs late in the night and well into the adult beverages LOL

    We did a naked Tempest spine once. All cap toons, with no gear. just what we picked up along the way. We did allow pots scrolls and spells though! It was before airships so we all did a full load of house P and house J buffs.

    we did finish but it was like running tempest the first time way back when.

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