Dear Turbine:
We are sorry that we complained about hireling healers. We are sorry that we said they were stupid. We are sorry that we made unkind remarks about the people who programmed their AI. I hope you accept this apology so we can move forward in our relationship.
If you can accept our apology, I might suggest returning hireling healers to their pre-U9 programming. If you do this I promise we will never complain again. Well, at least I won’t because I got the message. I understand what you are trying to get us to see... things could be worse.
So please, put the hireling healers back to where they will heal those who buy the contracts, not the other hireling healer in the party. And please don't have them engage in battle anymore when my hitpoints drop below 20%. Have them focus on me and only me. When I purchase a hireling healer I want it to focus on keeping me alive, like they did before U9.
So, again, we are sorry. We know we needed to be punished for our complaining, but please lets move forward and return hirelings back to their pre-U9 state.
Thanks and Signed,
Tired of Dying