In a nut shell, I'm suggesting an Experience Bonus for TRs and an added bonus upon reaching Completionist. Here is the breakdown:
Champion - 1,900,000
Hero - 3,139,250
Legend - 4,378,500
- Each character is granted a 2% xp bonus for every type of pastlife passive feat above 2. This means that after TRing twice (into different classes), you will start to receive the xp bonus on the third TR. Currently there are 11 classes in game, so discounting the first 2 pastlife passive feats obtained, that means there are 9 others granting you a total bonus of 18%.
- Only one bonus per class. The reason is so that if the player wishes to gain the highest bonus, they must play each class the game offers.
- The completionist feat grants an additional 5% bonus. Total bonus if you are a completionist would be 23% based on the current amount of classes that DDO offers.
Why not grant the bonus after first TR?
To become Hero and Legend, you should experience the challenge of obtaining the xp at the current tables. Hero grants a 34 pt build and Legend grants 36pt builds. However, after that, this xp bonus i'm suggesting will start to kick in. So now the player has experienced the difficulty of becoming a capped Legend and now starts to recieve bonus there on after.
Why 2% for each class?
This was just a number I wanted to pick as a starting point. It could be higher, lets say 3%, or lower, 1%. That would be up for discussion determined on what seems balanced.
Why only 1 bonus accumulated for each class?
Some might agree that questing as a caster (wiz/sorc) is quicker and easier. The challenge is in having a past life for each class, and therefore recieving bonus in that fashion.
Why bonus from competionist feat?
Some players say that the feat is hard to fit in on certain builds. Builds on which they lack extra bonus feats like Wizard and Fighter. This would encourage players to take the feat, at least during thier leveling process.
There have been many suggestions about lowering the XP required as a 36 point build. There have been suggestions on other types of bonuses. This idea gives a scaling bonus with a cap (depending on the amount of classes in game) to the players that have completed each class in game. This creates a reward for trying each class. Each player will still experience the xp required on thier first 34 and 36 pt builds without adjustment. And upon completionist, each players will have a generous bonus to benifit from if they so choose to continue TRing in hopes of running through each class 3 times.