I am just wondering...there are two doors in the Tower of the Twelve that are locked. Is there a way to unlock them? Is there anything behind them of value or interest? They are to the right as you enter and there are two NPCs in the room with them.
I am just wondering...there are two doors in the Tower of the Twelve that are locked. Is there a way to unlock them? Is there anything behind them of value or interest? They are to the right as you enter and there are two NPCs in the room with them.
But ... but... that's a secret
My guess would be behind them are the usual tier1-3 shroud altars - but nobody ever saw behind the doors yet.
1st rule of fightclub.........
No theirs nothing their
Dex - Leader - THΣ ЏΠΣΔЯТΗΣÐ ΔЯСΔΠΔI don't do serious, it no fun