Requiring 10 build points into CON is bat **** crazy.
Then again, a rogue can completely avoid aggro while delivering full DPS, and avoid most forms of spell damage.
Max HP is just one factor, another is the amount of incoming damage. You'd be surprised, for example, at how much a Bodyfeeder rapier can contribute to staying alive.
Correct, Good or bad situation last night.
Lvl 20 Elven Wiz in party and their bio said "Elven wizzy= Squishy", 2nd line "Dont tell me how to play".
I was just a pugger and stayed quiet and for some reason they were talking about hp and the wiz was laughing about having a 10 base con with light fort. Went on to say I have a +5 con ring with light fort. That should be enough. True, play your character how you want! Don t flame yet.
Part 2-"Dont tell me how to play my character" asked how to do the crystal in the middle. Once again I remaind silent, thinking I would hate to tell them how to play their character.
Part3-"Dont tell me how to play my character" asked for help in a puzzle. I stood there once again not wanting to say anything. I would hate to tell someone how to play their character.
Now that I have seen some great feedback, I dont think everyone should have to take 16 con. It is just so iritating when the party leader was trying to be constructive with "squishy" about their hp, and "squishy" says they dont need hp. Maybe you have to have 14,16 con until they unlock veteran status. Until a player realizes that con is a needed stat.
I know you vets made 6 con toons and ran them well. But the new guy off the boat is setting themselves up for possible griefing and harrasment if they try to take one of the "squishy" characters to lvl 20.
Last edited by Vint; 05-23-2011 at 12:22 PM.
16 con mandatory HFN
I have on average 14 con for most toons my FvS is the only 16 CON base, and that is to break into the 500's w/o GS a hp item so a non crit Heal will go full w/o waste :P
Sounds like the guy was tired of being given unsolicited 'advice' on how to build/play their toon. That same player ASKING for specific advice on what he should do in a quest is entirely another matter. The two are not mutually exclusive of one another, despite the fact the obvious eyebrow-raising factor to it.
A 10-CON mage is perfectly viable, depending on the person behind it and the effort put into gearing it up/speccing it out. Its not as 'easy' as a toon with 6 more con, but for every point you put into CON, you have to give up something else. I have built 10 CON mages, and played properly, they can do just fine, especially if you are on first life and dont even plan on running epics until TR1 + when you have more points to alot to extra CON.
Nowadays, I start with 14-16 CON, 14-16 STR, max INT, and whatever strikes my fancy at the time for the restMy builds, gear, race, and knowledge make up for any supposed flaws in the majority of situations. Sometimes folks are just sick of everyone else thinking it is their RIGHT to tell them how they SHOULD build/play their own toons. We have evry right to tell those ppl to stuff it and keep their opinions to themselves. Especially when the vast majority of them seem to think the 'proper' way to offer' advice' is to call you a gimp-******-noob rofl re-roll quit DDO and kill yourself Lulz Loser Dork squelch kick ban.
Telling other player blanketly to keep their opinions to themselves does not preclude being allowed to ASK them when wanted.
Really, you can live perfectly well ( even in epics ) with 12 or 14 in Con... as long as your not a frontline hitter.
Clerics, Wizards, Some Bards, and Some Rogues do live perfectly well with 320-400 Hit points. It's all a matter of playstyle, and of knowing when to run and when to stand your ground.
In my case I do live quite well with CON 12 to 14 Clerics, Bards, Wizards and Rogues... I do agree that for a Fighter, an melee ranger, a Barbarian and a Monk CON 16 is really something to at least have.
No need to force Con to 16 so :
/not signed.
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
I'm pretty sure that the OP dripped his post in sarcasm, but I honestly would like a pop-up when you make a character who's Con isn't at least as high as it can go w/o spending extra points (12 for elves/drow, 16 for WF and dwarves and 14 for everyone else.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind a mandatory on that (12 Con min. for elves/drown, 16 Con min. for WF/dwarves, and 14 Con min. for everyone else.) Asking that it be mandatory to spend more than 1 point per Con is out of the question though (Imagine trying to make a good 28 point build elf with 16 Con min.)
Let like stacking bonuses scale down tiers; i.e. wearing a +2 dodge/excep. item and a +2 dodge/excep. item currently is only +2; let the 2nd +2 item imitate a +1 item, giving you +3. Allow this for all stacking bonuses (Heal. Amp 30->20->10) Absorption (20->15->10)etc. Lowest tier bonuses (10 Heal Amp, 10 absorb, 1 dodge) do not scale down ever.