Can me make it to where we start with like 22 point builds, but have a min of 16 con required?
Can me make it to where we start with like 22 point builds, but have a min of 16 con required?
you mean where 16 con is default and you cannot lower it, so you only have 22 points to spend?
Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.
Some people enjoy making 6 con elf wizards, with a monk splash for windstance while wearing bloodrage symbiont.
Imperium Sacrum, Thelanis
If you aren't playing with others, you're just playing with yourself.
Aachener Arcanabot Bayerische Burgundian Etaijin Hannoverian Holsteinian Koelner Liladrache Pzkpfwiiil Savoyer Schlesien Silesian Tyrolean Westphalian
|| Arari - Cleric Rogue || Athyria - Satanic Mechanic || Ethirial - Arcane Archer || Tiarinlasa - Spell Singer || Zirron - Divine Avenger ||
Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!
Beware the Sleepeater
Constitution, however not a "dump stat", is not required to be high to complete quests.
It just isn't.
You can complete any quest in game with a low to moderate constitution. Yes, I said it!
If you feel you need everyone in your group to have 400 HP or more, and a Con of 26 or more, then by all means, keep on keep'n on.
However, it isn't neccessary, at least not by all eyes.
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
lol make elves and drow even more gimp, if your going to do that drop the -2 to con for those races. Make it even harder to roll toons like twf pallys who need to distribute points in more than 2 different attributes. And this might be news to you but you can yes *gasp, shock, horror,* roll a charactor and make it work pretty well with under 16 con yes 14 con or even worse 12 on a drow or elf.
I had a human rogue with 12 CON who had no problem running epics.
You can more than make up for the lower HP with playstyle.
This really isn't true.
You can't make up for the inevitable lag spikes, rolled 1's, human error and plain old bad luck with playstyle.
But you can mitigate them with HP.
There are some parts of the game where you will likely take large amounts of unavoidable damage.
Not having enough HP means you will die and fail the quest or raid.
I'm with Astraghal here. No amount of careful play is going to get you out of the way of a centrally targeted Metorswarm.
No careful way to avoid the Server Lag that gets EVERYONE. Sorry, there simply is no way to get out of the way here...
I have guildies that have dumped con.
They brag, I got a +6 item so its better now...
Bless their heart, they die ALL the time. FAR more times than anyone who HAS started with at least a 14 CON.
The difference is, BECAUSE they die so often and have since they have started playing it just becomes routine. They are used to dying at least once per quest. They dont know what its like to survive and not die 10 quests in a row. The term "squishy" was indeed created for them and its NOT a term of endearment. Most often, they are NOT the ones running everyones stones to the rest shrine, they are among the first to die.
HP really is the most important thing you can do for your character.
Not dying is MUCH more fun AND useful to the entire group!
So go ahead, dump con. But you better have the Feats for 3 or MORE Toughnesses!
If we shrank our solar system to the size of a Quarter, and lay it at your feet, the Milky Way galaxy would still be larger than North America. ~NASA Perspective anyone?