Hi all,
We are going to reopen recruiting to new member in the level range of 4 to 15. I run mostly late nights from anytime after 9 central time US and u can contact me on Vixonna in game or send mail.
AfterDark is a Late Nite guild that that is now level 69, but because we cater to being a international guild so we have folks that run all day as well
We use Ventrilo so voice is mandate to be considered
I am running my tr now most nights from 10 pm to 2 am US central time and grouping with me on a runs would be the best way for me to get to know you and invite you in the guild. we are running in the 4 to 7 level range now
We are not accepting toons below 4 to avoid the TP farmers that are server hopping
We are not accepting toons over 15 to get us a chance to get to know you before You hit the high level content like raids
Rude behavior will never be tolerated for any reason to are member or any others. If I get a report of rude behavior You will be removed
The one most important thing is listing to your group leader for instructions in guild runs or if you in pug runs. If I get a report your not and You will be removed from the guild, its ok not to know what to do or know a run. Its another to flat out not listen.
This is the main reason we have voice as a mandate to join no one wants to Text to lead a raid or a group mics are cheap get one or please don't ask to join
Creed: Helpful, Teamwork, Guildies ALWAYS come first. Never Never Scold Guildies because something goes wrong, Deaths happen no problem no big deal, No one ever gets left behind, Whenever possible group with Guildies: That's what this guild is for! BE Friendly Not Bossy: Treat others the way you want to be treated and last but not least Newbie Friendly, let this be a place for everyone to get a start, find help and friends.
Raid Loot is need before greed so if named bound items items drop and the item is not useful to the toon your on please ask if someone else can use it or put it up for roll guild first and then to pugs
Here we don't make our members log on or be kicked for up to one month but ask if can please log your toons as often as possible to prevent Guild Decay . We understand people have real lives too! If your going to be off for a long time let one of my officers know so we know its not a dead toon is all I ask
Folks world wide are welcome as we already have players from all over the world and Aussies are most welcome as the time I play seems to work out really well and I love the no worries! I like the laid back manner!!!! I think everyone should be like that maybe I should add that as part of the creed *LOL*
So again
Guild Leader