Tharashk Dragonmark Heir I (2 AP)
Requirements: Human or Half-Orc, Level 6, Least Dragonmark of Finding, Extra Dragonmark Use II, Tharashk Search II
(7 AP investment)
Lesser Dragonmark of Finding (feat) - Activate this ability to harness the bloodline of House Tharashk to cast Knock two times per rest. Also allows you to use your Least Mark of Finding an extra time per rest.
Favored of House Tharashk - As a Dragonmarked Heir of House Tharashk, you gain a 10% bonus to any transactions with any of the vendors located in House Tharashk (substitute the Harbor?)
Improved Least Dragonmark of Finding (1 AP)
Requirements: Human or Half-Orc, Level 8, Tharashk Dragonmark Heir I, Tharashk Search III
(9 AP investment)
Benefit: Activate this ability to harness the bloodline of House Tharashk to cast Detect Secret Doors instead of Locate Objects (counts as a use of your Least Dragonmark of Finding), and grants an additional use of your Least Dragonmark of Finding per rest.
Tharashk Dragonmark Heir II (2 AP)
Requirements: Human or Half-Orc, Level 10, Tharashk Dragonmark Heir I, Extra Dragonmark Use III, Tharashk Search III
(14 AP investment)
Greater Dragonmark of Finding (feat) - Activate this ability to harness the bloodline of House Tharashk to cast Treasure Finding once per rest. Also allows you to use your Least and Lesser Marks of Finding an extra time per rest.
Improved Lesser Dragonmark of Finding (1 AP)
Requirements: Human or Half-Orc, Level 12, Improved Least Dragonmark of Finding, Tharashk Dragonmark Heir II, Tharashk Search IV
(16 AP investment)
Benefit: Activate this ability to harness the bloodline of House Tharashk to cast Helping Hand instead of Knock (counts as a use of your Lesser Dragonmark of Finding), and grants an additional use of your Lesser Dragonmark of Finding per rest.
Helping Hand finds a random creature (max CR bassed on CL) to fight by your side.
Tharashk Dragonmark Heir III (2 AP)
Requirements: Human or Half-Orc, Level 14, Tharashk Dragonmark Heir II, Extra Dragonmark Use IV, Tharashk Search IV
(22 AP investment)
Empowered Dragonmarks - Your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks of Finding are automatically treated as if Heightened. Also allows you to use your Least, Lesser, and Greater Marks of Finding an extra time per rest.
Improved Greater Dragonmark of Finding (1 AP)
Requirements: Human or Half-Orc, Level 16, Improved Lesser Dragonmark of Finding, Tharashk Dragonmark Heir III, Tharashk Search V
(24 AP investment)
Benefit: Activate this ability to harness the bloodline of House Tharashk to cast Find the Path instead of Treasure Finding (counts as a use of your Greater Dragonmark of Finding), and grants an additional use of your Greater Dragonmark of Finding per rest.
Find the Path hopefully teleports you to the nearest teleport location, although there is a sight chance of getting lost (ie teleported to a random location instead.
Siberys Dragonmark of Finding (2AP)
Requirements: Human or Half-Orc, Level 18, Tharashk Dragonmark Heir III
(26 AP investment)
Benefit: Activate this ability to harness the bloodline of House Tharashk to cast Vigilance once per rest, this special ability grants the effects of True Seeing and
Foresight, which grants a +2 stackable Insight bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
(Note that taking a Siberys Dragonmark nulifies your ability to use Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks)