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  1. #1
    Community Member garynash7070's Avatar
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    Default Crafting Suggestions for the Developers....

    First off I must state that I do enjoy the new crafting system and look forward to its full and final implementation, with some changes! My suggested changes are:

    1. Allow us to craft say Deathblock, Blood Rage, or any non-weapon only quality on any item, instead of just a few items. Why? Think of it this way. If I was an artificer of magical goods why would I create just Blood rage armor and not make a Ring with Blood Rage and say negative energy absorption on it? Why would I limit my art to telling the customer, "well this is what it is, no customization to your needs". How long do you think I would be in business?

    2. Think Customization and the customer is always right! What is a good fit for one client would not necessarily be a good fit for another. What if a client wanted to keep its killer armor? Why the sacrifice? I thought it was Turbines/DDO's desire to allow its clients (us the gamers) to use the new crafting system to benefit us and our needs thus allowing us to craft custom items for our individual wants and desires that fits our needs instead of forcing us into cookie cutter molds? You are greatly limiting your client base from even crafting anything useful except, say Holy Silver of EOB weapons.

    3. Allow us in the future to sell on the AH or trade/barter with other players customized items. You say it will break the economy? I say it will enhance it. Why do I say that? Well, think of it this way. If I made a blood rage ring with 33% electrical absorption on it, what did I give up to make that? Answer: alot of items to get my crafting level up, alot of items that I could have vendored, and alot of items I could have sold on the AH. As well as, the time it took to actually craft to said levels etc. Now, if I was allowed to sell the said Blood Rage ring of electrical absorption to say Joey Schmoey for say 2 Red scales. I gain by using my time and money placed using the new crafting system with a reward other than bound items, the customer gains by getting the item they want, DDO/Turbine gains by having more people use the crafting system, they will get more customers in game due to the increased quality of the game, and finally I will want to buy some crafted items eventually making the economy come full circle. We would all run quests looking for items to trade, sell, or barter for customed crafted items other make and we want!

    Enough for today, time to log on and run some raids, get some good loot ( hoping), and maybe even craft another Holy Silver of EOB for my TR!

    Krylor-----Lauralinn--- Thorriin---- Proud Member of Templar on Cannith
    Last edited by garynash7070; 05-20-2011 at 09:41 PM. Reason: because

  2. #2
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Body slots is how magic items work in D&D.
    However, unslotted items are doable, they just cost double, or more than a slotted one anyways.

    Armor and weapon abilities are still limited to armor and weapons.
    If you throw your shoe at someone you can make it returning, but still counts as weapon usage.

    On the other hand you can add abilities to existing magic weapons, but note this is for regular crafting.
    The device crafting allows you to craft 'known recipes', doesn't substitute a magical lab for making custom items.

    The art of crafting takes a lab, library, spells, feats and work, etc.
    But we don't have access to all that in Stormreach because it's not a proper big city more than an overgrowing settlement on the edge of X'endrik.
    The 12 control the magic usage in the city and heavily ward its walls against intrusions, altough not very well.

    Beyond that, it's just a small mining venture of the patron houses, who only care about the dragonshards they seek.
    They are just happy to lure fresh adventurers that arrive by airship, on promise of plat and riches.
    Only to find they won't take your plat, let alone lend you funds. It took looong to decide to provide you with the crafting devices

  3. #3
    Community Member garynash7070's Avatar
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    Default Then explain this....

    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    Body slots is how magic items work in D&D.
    However, unslotted items are doable, they just cost double, or more than a slotted one anyways.

    Armor and weapon abilities are still limited to armor and weapons.
    If you throw your shoe at someone you can make it returning, but still counts as weapon usage.

    On the other hand you can add abilities to existing magic weapons, but note this is for regular crafting.
    The device crafting allows you to craft 'known recipes', doesn't substitute a magical lab for making custom items.

    The art of crafting takes a lab, library, spells, feats and work, etc.
    But we don't have access to all that in Stormreach because it's not a proper big city more than an overgrowing settlement on the edge of X'endrik.
    The 12 control the magic usage in the city and heavily ward its walls against intrusions, altough not very well.

    Beyond that, it's just a small mining venture of the patron houses, who only care about the dragonshards they seek.
    They are just happy to lure fresh adventurers that arrive by airship, on promise of plat and riches.
    Only to find they won't take your plat, let alone lend you funds. It took looong to decide to provide you with the crafting devices

    Why is it that Turbine/DDO instituted the crafting program? Why does say the Scourge Choker come on a necklace if we cant craft the Blood Rage qualities on other items than Armor? So the Devs have a lab? If so, why not us? Why craft deathblock on shields, some necklaces etc and not on say rings etc?

    I am not asking to craft Puncturing onto a say warhammer, nor craft DR/5 onto a khopesh. All I am asking is to be able to customize items to fit our individual character with some overall sense to the matter. For instance, why can't we craft the Blood Rage shard to a cloak? It is still on your body, is it not? You will still be getting hit, so allow us to craft and customize it. Deathblock on a ring with say 33% electrical absorption. Why not? I can craft 20% negative energy absorption onto a cloak, why not a ring?

    Enough said other than they don't want us to be able to craft unique characters, they wanna force us into cookie cutters; or it is simply that they don't wanna man up on all the programming it will require to institute this! It will make for a better game. It will not look as if they have all the control, as of course they do. I understand business, I understand the DDO issues and trying to keep close to rules (as much as they can), what I don't understand is why the limitations on these issues I have addressed. We put in the time to level in crafting, spend ungodly sums of plat ( or could have been plat), our time, and you say we need a lab etc etc etc. I say that is the lab.
    Krylor----Lauralinn----Thorriin----Hunii----Ciinder----Holdiin---- Leader of A Better Place

    " You are not only yourself but everyone and everything around you!"

  4. #4
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Point is there's ddo based item rules like prefix/suffix and body slots, and now we have a system that let us build something on these parameters.

    It is a good thing we have the devices and not the usual feat based crafting rules so that everyone can do the crafting.
    But by doing so we are stuck with what the recipes allow.

    I'm not saying that we can't have recipes that allow d-block and b-rage and other abilities on useful slots.
    What i'm saying is we can't just do away with body slots and the rest of the rules just because named items have them, those are special.

    Named items are different, they were not the run of the mill item you'll go to the nearest shop to get your own copy.
    And that's if there were a nearby shop, because there's none on Stormreach.
    (setting shop on X'endrik is like settling in SF during the gold rush).

    However, since unslotted items are technically possible we may very well have unslotted recipes, that'd be fine.
    Just may cost a few more components but in the end that's not a too high price isn't it.

  5. #5
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by garynash7070 View Post
    First off I must state that I do enjoy the new crafting system and look forward to its full and final implementation, with some changes! My suggested changes are:

    1. Allow us to craft say Deathblock, Blood Rage, or any non-weapon only quality on any item, instead of just a few items. Why? Think of it this way. If I was an artificer of magical goods why would I create just Blood rage armor and not make a Ring with Blood Rage and say negative energy absorption on it? Why would I limit my art to telling the customer, "well this is what it is, no customization to your needs". How long do you think I would be in business?

    We haven't yet seen all of the crafting recipes... be patient, it's still in beta with parts still being rolled out.

    2. Think Customization and the customer is always right! What is a good fit for one client would not necessarily be a good fit for another. What if a client wanted to keep its killer armor? Why the sacrifice? I thought it was Turbines/DDO's desire to allow its clients (us the gamers) to use the new crafting system to benefit us and our needs thus allowing us to craft custom items for our individual wants and desires that fits our needs instead of forcing us into cookie cutter molds? You are greatly limiting your client base from even crafting anything useful except, say Holy Silver of EOB weapons.

    This is crafting, not modifying. It also tries to simulate the real world, where you generally have to give something up to get something else. If you want that great Silver weapon you've dreamt about you will have to disjunct a Silver weapon of that type to add the prefix/suffix effects you desire. Simple as that. You will also have to work your way up in the crafting ranks to do so. A 5 year-old building his first go-cart isn't going to get lucky and craft a Maserati the first shot... That's where years of experience comes in.

    3. Allow us in the future to sell on the AH or trade/barter with other players customized items. You say it will break the economy? I say it will enhance it. Why do I say that? Well, think of it this way. If I made a blood rage ring with 33% electrical absorption on it, what did I give up to make that? Answer: alot of items to get my crafting level up, alot of items that I could have vendored, and alot of items I could have sold on the AH. As well as, the time it took to actually craft to said levels etc. Now, if I was allowed to sell the said Blood Rage ring of electrical absorption to say Joey Schmoey for say 2 Red scales. I gain by using my time and money placed using the new crafting system with a reward other than bound items, the customer gains by getting the item they want, DDO/Turbine gains by having more people use the crafting system, they will get more customers in game due to the increased quality of the game, and finally I will want to buy some crafted items eventually making the economy come full circle. We would all run quests looking for items to trade, sell, or barter for customed crafted items other make and we want!

    We already know that unbound crafting is coming... If you look at the sign above each alcove with a machine in it, you will see that the shard and weapon alcove signs have a chain around the symbol. This indicates "Bound" items. Look at the currently empty alcoves and you see the same symbols without the chain - "Unbound" items. We have also been told that unbound crafting is coming later.

    Your choice is whether or not to start building your crafting levels now or wait until it's all in place, then start complaining that you can't craft anything useful. I plan to be ready, the day unbound crafting makes it to live, to start selling shards and custom items on the AH.

    Enough for today, time to log on and run some raids, get some good loot ( hoping), and maybe even craft another Holy Silver of EOB for my TR!

    Krylor-----Lauralinn--- Thorriin---- Proud Member of Templar on Cannith
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  6. #6
    Community Member garynash7070's Avatar
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    Angry Response to Hambo

    quote: We haven't yet seen all of the crafting recipes... be patient, it's still in beta with parts still being rolled out.

    I understand that we have not seen all the recipes and that it is in beta, what you don't get is that I am making suggestions while it is in beta thus allowing us the options I suggested. This is a forum right? This is the Crafting discussion in the forums right?

    quote: This is crafting, not modifying. It also tries to simulate the real world, where you generally have to give something up to get something else. If you want that great Silver weapon you've dreamt about you will have to disjunct a Silver weapon of that type to add the prefix/suffix effects you desire. Simple as that. You will also have to work your way up in the crafting ranks to do so. A 5 year-old building his first go-cart isn't going to get lucky and craft a Maserati the first shot... That's where years of experience comes in.

    Ok I have already crafted a Holy silver khopesh of EOB, Holy silver khopesh of PG X2, a +4 Holy cold iron Khopesh of aligned, a cloak of 20% negative energy absorption, and I have spent an untold amount of items to break down to get to my crafting levels that I am at now. 51 divine 43 arcane and only 20 elemental currently. So don't preceed to try to tell me how to craft nor try to treat me like I am five. I have been ingame just as long as you.

    quote:We already know that unbound crafting is coming... If you look at the sign above each alcove with a machine in it, you will see that the shard and weapon alcove signs have a chain around the symbol. This indicates "Bound" items. Look at the currently empty alcoves and you see the same symbols without the chain - "Unbound" items. We have also been told that unbound crafting is coming later.

    Your choice is whether or not to start building your crafting levels now or wait until it's all in place, then start complaining that you can't craft anything useful. I plan to be ready, the day unbound crafting makes it to live, to start selling shards and custom items on the AH.

    Again, I understand what you are saying. I am aware of it, however; once again I am only trying to give suggestions while it is in beta to give the devs ideas ( I am sure they are trying to work it out) of what we want in-game. Anything wrong with that? This is not really a measuring contest, but are your levels higher than mine? If so grats, if not then don't lecture me. Even if they are higher, you spout off without even knowing if I craft or not, which of course I do. I have probably the highest levels in my great guild because I work on it daily(when I play that is). I appreciate your response, however in the future, try not to come off as lecturing. Hope you dont play in-game like that.
    Last edited by garynash7070; 05-22-2011 at 08:04 PM. Reason: cuz
    Krylor----Lauralinn----Thorriin----Hunii----Ciinder----Holdiin---- Leader of A Better Place

    " You are not only yourself but everyone and everything around you!"

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