Hello, simply question for the dev types.
Since Update 9 (and continuing in 9.1) sometimes the size of the End Reward List upon completion of raids is smaller than normal. For example, I once had an Abbot End Reward List offering only 3 items and a renown. Ive also seen this occur in Shroud, Reaver, and ToD. The 3 item example is the worst yet, usually its just truncated by a few items (offering 5 instead of 8, or something).
My concern is that this could hypothetically happen on someones 20th, and completely destroy their chances of anything nice. Completing a 20th ToD and only seeing 4 rings on the list and nothing else would be crushing.
If I had to speculate, Id guess it may have something to do with the game trying to put crafting essences on the reward list but being unable to, as I cannot recall ever seeing essences from a raid completion (only from regular quest completions). So instead, it just puts nothing. If this is indeed the case, then 20th reward lists are safe as the item generation would override the essences as long as that portion is working correctly. It also means it would be a relatively simple fix to either put the essences on the tables, or tell the loot generator to stop looking for something that isnt there.
I hope this is unintentional and easily addressed, otherwise repeating raids for 20th rewards, which in many cases is the only reliable way to really have a good chance at some items, will have become much harder. And thats something I dont think the game needs, both for future players trying to progress up to where current folks are now and for older players working on new characters and such.
If desired I can grab some screens and try to post them up (Im not to great with images but if itll help fix the problem I can manage), but I think the above is probably enough to go on. Thanks, cheers.