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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    It means I'm not getting spammed with guild invites when I re-roll/TR and find myself in the trashy part of Stormreach. Oh, and shared storage space for my multiple accounts...
    This is pretty much what it means to me, the buffs are nice on lowbies i suppose, dont really have any lowbies tho, and the TRs dont really need any buffs. Its kinda nice havin the same guild name that used to strike fear into others in different games over the years too.

    I imagine it would be nice being in a guild of hardcore players that are always raiding/doing something. But dont think i would be able to stand being in a guild that blindly invites any unguilded player they see.

  2. #22
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    I'll add my **** your back to lol

    And stop with the killing Kalari nonsense darn it...

    Being in a guild to me is knowing im going to get on have fun, get drunk possibly gain loot and kill guildies who try to kill me *shoots evil glare*

    Other then that I cannot stand the new mentality towards guilds, padding guilds to gain renown kicking people to keep it, begging to get on strangers ships for buffs and altars.

    The main reason I love the guild im with despite their trying to kill me for loot is we got to know each other before I decided to join with them. Running with them finding their play style gels with my own enjoying time I spend with my guild mates is irreplaceable. Even if we had no ship Id still run with my guild because of the fun we all have together. If you can't say that about your guild I feel sorry for you.
    I was running Mindsunder on my FvS, cleric with us is a friend and she was getting a bit low on health. I thought about tossing her a heal, then I remember we always get better loot when the RL Female Cleric dies.

    Ended up with 2 light and darkness and a couple other nice things in the chest

    (Okay, it wasn't Kalari, but it was a rl female cleric)

    Oh, and being in a guild means I can do stuff like that it's enjoyable. Or dance someone at inappropriate times, drop a bomp on a chest in Undermine (well that didn't go over as well), or if I'm running with gimps at least I know they're gimp.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by LordPiglet View Post
    I was running Mindsunder on my FvS, cleric with us is a friend and she was getting a bit low on health. I thought about tossing her a heal, then I remember we always get better loot when the RL Female Cleric dies.

    Ended up with 2 light and darkness and a couple other nice things in the chest

    (Okay, it wasn't Kalari, but it was a rl female cleric)

    Oh, and being in a guild means I can do stuff like that it's enjoyable. Or dance someone at inappropriate times, drop a bomp on a chest in Undermine (well that didn't go over as well), or if I'm running with gimps at least I know they're gimp.
    I once dropped a bomb at the exit of the underwater part, near the shrine, I stayed there and when they were looting I placed it. Perfect timing, they all died when they got out of the water ^_^. I laughed for a good 5min. Already had -10% from a death before anyway and it was near a shrine at least hehe.

  4. #24
    Community Member Rinimand's Avatar
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    Default What being in a guild means to me

    I use Guild for grouping, not buffs. I don't mind pugging, but enjoy at least starting with guildmates, as I know what I am getting in to with them in my group (as in playing style). First thing I do when logging on is to check which guildmates are online, do they need / want one more.

    I see many of you posting about Guild buffs, but at guild level 29 I don't see much point in guild buffs. +1 here, +1 there, lessor fire, cold or electric resists. Not worth much. More often that not, I forgo ship buffs. Only once have I accepted an invite to another higher level guild ship, supposedly "for the buffs" but really out of curiosity, and the only buff I saw of consequence was "lesser experience shrine".

    I keep one char per server guild-less on purpose. Yeah, you get random / anonymous guild invites about once per gaming session, sometimes even more, and it gets worse in the middle levels.

    I prefer to only guild-invite people who I have actually quested with at least once, usually more, and only if they show good spirit an a positive attitude in the game. If I am uncertain, then I ask them to mail me request to join. For newbies that becomes a fun (or is it annoying?) mini-quest to learn the in-game mail system to mail me a request to join the guild.

    - Rinimand
    - Argonnessen
    - Officer of Inferi Venatori

  5. #25
    Community Member NinjaCereal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordPiglet View Post
    Oh, and being in a guild means I can do stuff like that it's enjoyable. Or dance someone at inappropriate times, drop a bomp on a chest in Undermine (well that didn't go over as well), or if I'm running with gimps at least I know they're gimp.
    This. ^^
    Heh, last time I was in a guild run of that quest we had 56 deaths by the end. Less than half of them were from the enemies....

    Our ship has hardly any buffs as it is, and even the ones that we do have I rarely use. I'm in a guild because I like the people. A couple of months ago 6 of us tr'ed. Knowing each other like we do made leveling a lot easier, and a lot more fun.
    Last edited by NinjaCereal; 05-20-2011 at 05:47 PM.
    Sarlona ~ Lrenaj Mornaur ♦ Lrel Jayden ♦ WeepingAngel

  6. #26
    Community Member Nattyboh's Avatar
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    Sad when folks are in a guild just for buffs. I'm in my guild because its full of all the people I have fun running around with. Constantly giving each other chit, drinking in raids nights (then again i may have a problem), etc.

    If the social aspect wasn't important to you, then why are you playing an MMO in the first place? (Not questioning the OP, just throwing it out).

    There are plenty of great games out there. I want the game with great people.

    Nattybo, Haloti Ngata, Duracell, Tsunamii, Gunnari, Maalpractice, Natyboh

    can't help it, i'm a zerger

  7. #27
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    I would say: Its your game, play as you like.
    If somebody want to guild up for buffs, res, minimal guild level items, fast traveling... and he manage to find similar thinking folks, thats cool for me. And i understand them, for a very begginer this 20/30 res crystals are a salvation. Items with guild slots, are quite annoying... and so on.

    However, i prefer guilds with minimal social aspect (at least trying to group up, passing some stuff, chating...).
    Also it tends to occure that running with guildies makes run more funny (not same as easy and succesul).

  8. #28
    Hero Marcus-Hawkeye's Avatar
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    Guild = Family

    You do things together and help each other out.

    That's what it means to me.

  9. #29
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    I once dropped a bomb at the exit of the underwater part, near the shrine, I stayed there and when they were looting I placed it. Perfect timing, they all died when they got out of the water ^_^. I laughed for a good 5min. Already had -10% from a death before anyway and it was near a shrine at least hehe.
    Whenever I run that with guild it's everyone for themself. Think one run took a few hours cause everyone looking everywhere for mines. Everyone came out nekid, and had to be 100+ deaths.

    Always nice to take the new people through there or the ones who been afk since it came out.

  10. #30
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    I once dropped a bomb at the exit of the underwater part, near the shrine, I stayed there and when they were looting I placed it. Perfect timing, they all died when they got out of the water ^_^. I laughed for a good 5min. Already had -10% from a death before anyway and it was near a shrine at least hehe.
    oooh, I'll have to try that. I like the chest, because you can't see a bomb there due to a graphical glitch

  11. #31
    The Hatchery IntrepidBear's Avatar
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    Default what a guild means..

    Heya all.. aka "Lem" here..

    I see people asking to join just for ship buffs really.. and leaving a guild because they did not have a cool enough ship, or not the buffs they wanted, etc.

    kinda sad to me,
    I remember it used to be, you would be on a 'trial few runs' to see how you played, and how you got along with other guild mates... then if it 'clicked'.. poof you were in..

    I was in a really fun guild, we supported each other, helped each other get whatever quest they needed, shared loot, had fun.. it was based on comeraderie, really, not drama.
    I was away for a year, and when I got back the guild was near dissolved and because I was not around my toons were out and on their own. I was like ??? huh??? where'd everyone go??

    I'm not sure where everyone scattered, but have met some of my player friends again, in other guilds, or they started their own guilds. We meet now and then in quests and give friendly cyber hugs.
    I did start my own guild, me myself and I, on a challenge really... ( someone said I couldn't do it solo.. well..!! )
    I worked my lil b*tt off to get my own ship, but lo and behold, it is pretty darn expensive to get all the amenities on it. I think that itself is taken for granted by the 'noobies' expecting to be blindly invited to buff up.

    But the buff up is not what it is just about..
    I kinda miss the comeraderie of a nice big guild, the fun and laughs, etc.. but is it still like that out there?? I dunno..
    I love joining a pug when everyone is having fun and not 'cranky' lol...

    so.. maybe I'm an old fashioned DDO' gal..
    I sometimes get surprised players when I just pass on a great loot item in a chest because I know that person needs it on their toon.

    Peace all..
    ~ Littlemama Whooopass ~
    MysticMountain DragonRiders

  12. #32
    Community Member RJBsComputer's Avatar
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    For me, a guild is about logging in and having a party invite waiting for you when the loading screen clears. We would run quests just to run quests. We ran quest because someone wanted to elite out their toon. We spend all night trying to run a new quest because we where LEARNING how to run the quest.

    In party, we let the classes do the class jobs and we would fight to have the highest breakable count....not kill count. Most of all, we took care of each other and had each others back.

  13. #33
    Community Member LoveNeverFails's Avatar
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    second what most others have said here. I loooooooooove talking **** to guildies...

    and actually completing being a last priority.

  14. #34
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    To me a guild is more about hanging out with players you enjoy. The ship buffs are nice. But staying just for the buffs? Sounds like an abused spouse situation to me.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  15. #35
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    My guild is a tight knit bunch, my favorite people on the server basically. A family really, (albeit a dysfunctional one given the content of teamspeak and guild chat) there's not another group I'd rather hang with on Sarlona. A guild to me gets **** done while having hella fun doing anything and everything in game.
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

  16. #36
    Community Member Towrn's Avatar
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    Guild means getting your stuff back when you quit and delete all characters and then come back.

    Since you weren't in one, you gets nothing...

    Welcome back.
    Knorgh (triple triple completionist) Currently 12 Wizard/6 Ranger/2 Monk

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn View Post
    Guild means getting your stuff back when you quit and delete all characters and then come back.

    Since you weren't in one, you gets nothing...

    Welcome back.
    Ohhhh so THAT'S what they're for? **** it, why do I always get the info late.

  18. #38
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    I do all those fun hidden bombs, grease into lava things in pugs.. maybe thats why i keep gettin called a d-bag..

  19. #39
    Community Member barryman5000's Avatar
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    My guild is my home on DDO. I usually start off my DDO time running around the ship and poking and/or slashing at guildies. Sometimes I just help them beat the dummy. They do the same for me.

    The guild has a rather fun guild chat. We don't allow people in the guild that will be rude among many other negative things. Anybody that wants to be a butt can go find another guild. To be in the guild you have to know that DDO is a game!

    The buffs are nice but really I'd drop it all to stay grouped with all the cool people in my guild.

  20. #40
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    I have never found a guild I enjoyed being in.
    The last guild my rouge was in was full of ****** bags with the leader randomly booting me out of groups whenever I joined. Not for any reason in particular. Just because he had decided he didn't like me. So any time I said something sarcastic, ding, dropped from the group.
    Honestly, you can't run with the Captain without expecting sarcasm. It's just who I am.
    Sarcasm example:
    Shroud run Party leader "everyone knows how to do the puzzles right"
    Me "what's a puzzle?"

    The guild I'm in now with another character is fine enough. I'm respected as a member but I'm still left out of the loop most times because nobody ever quests with me. I always either solo or pug. On the rare occasion I do run with a guildy it's never someone who talks.

    Honestly, being in a guild means very little to me at this point. Not even for the buffs. Just for background chat or something.
    A master of appearances.
    He glides like the wind through the trees. Always ready. Always vigilant.
    His mission: to become a cameo in each of your lives, for he is always there. In your living room. In your home. At work and school. He is... Captain Cameo

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