I was in a group earlier, with 4 others being in different guilds and another person without a guild. As soon that person joined all I could see was "can i get guild invite please?" "pls guild invite someone" and then asking everyone individually if they would invite him to their guild. I told him randomly asking for an invite might not really get him in a guild he will enjoy but then..."just want buffs". Oh, I see...Oh and he also got an invite like 1min later.
I find it pretty sad that guilds have turned into this. And this works both ways. People looking for a guild just for buffs, and guilds inviting just for renown for said buffs. Doesn't it mean anything nowadays to join a guild? Friendship? Fun? Are these reasons to join a guild slowly dying?
I've talked to people that do not really enjoy being in their guilds now, for various reasons. But they stay anyway. Why?
"Well, because the buffs are good..."
Personally I think this is the major reason I have not been in a guild for so long...or seriously tried to look for one anyway. Most of the time, the reason I am given to join is "We have awesome buffs, our guild is 60+" or w/e high level. I try to always be polite when declining, but I'm always thinking the same thing "I don't give a **** about your ship buffs".
I am not putting all guilds in the same boat though. I am well aware some guild don't do that kind of stuff. But let's be honest here, a sad majority are now working that way. And even more sad is that those that don't, have pretty much shut themselves not to be infected like all the others, thus making the good guilds out there pretty much inaccessible.
/sad panda
/rant off