I have testing crafting for a couple of weeks, ok. Still needs work, here is a list.
1. ALL SHARDS NEED TO INCLUDE <PREFIX> or <SUFFIX> IN THE NAME ! yes I shouted it, Who forgot this ??
2. When you get ready to add a shard to a craftable item it should TELL you what lvl it will be BEFORE you craft it.
3. You cannot attempt a shard with less than 50% of success....WHY ? blah blah blah ..how about you let the players decide if the low chance of success is worth it ?? You are not our parents. If I have a 5 % chance of success...and I wanna give it a shot....then LET ME.
4. You cannot put fire/cold/acid guard on a shield ??? ah....lets fix that, yesterday.
5. You can turn a greater air essence into 5 lesser ones, great.......explain to me why I cannot do the
reverse? Maybe at a loss, 7 lesser into 1 greater ?
6. How about a modifier on success based on stat bonus ?? Int = arcane bonus, Wis = divine, Con = elemental ?
7. Spell storing shard <-- spell shard lvl 2 + stack of 20 knock scrolls + item = item with knock spell 2 per rest
or something like that...
8. Let us make ANY item a craftable blank...some named stuff looks cool.
9. Critical success ? 1-3% chance...reduces the space a shard uses, or when making a shard...crit success
might produce rare shard. also crit failure....lose double mats
10. lastly, higher lvl crafters should get better returns of disenchanting stuff ..if the item gives
up 1-4 greater essence and your crafter lvl maxed...you should always get 4.
--------- get to it, snap snap :-P