Grr - not so sure anymore what with the USSC's recent ruling:
You better not be in the bathroom with diarrhea, cause the law's gonna use that to come on.
Again, not arguing against whether or not to use violence on the law. You shouldn't. Period.
Previous post is correct in that we are a nation of laws. Laws/precedent which were recently overturned with this ruling. 1948 Supreme Court ruling cited in the ruling specifically notes this precedent - namely that "if the officer had no right to arrest, the other party might resist the illegal attempt to arrest him, using no more force than is absolutely necessary to repel the assault constituting the attempt to arrest."
Yes, yes, yes, you can sue to bejesus out of the agency doing the unlawful arrest, etc, etc afterthefact. You can try to press charges against the officer for battery, etc (good luck with that by the way). But again, that's not even the point.
The point is that that was his home. The officer had no reason to enter the home. No crime was being committed. You have the right NOT to talk to the officer. He does not have the right to enter your home without either your permission or a warrant. I don't see any exigent circumstances here. She's kicking him out. No allegations that she's battered or anything of that nature. They were simply investigating. They had nothing to support coming into that house but they did, against the home owner's permission.
That's the point. And that Indiana says its ok.