Any of you ever won something, ??
Thought it didnt work
Hordo saves the day Lottery!
1 Soulstone of Hordo
1 use only
When the stone is activated it summons Hordo. Hordo casts haste, cure mass light, and grease on the party the promptly becomes a soulstone again.
I don't mind the Tasty Ham or hair stuff. Actually I like the various hair styles and colors and my lowbies eat a lot of ham.
-Any of the storage bags or quivers. Doesn't have to always be the large ones, the medium ones would work too.
-Any of the various potions or elixirs (slayer, crafting, loot, xp, renown, long lasting resists/stat boosts, etc)
-Armour kits
-Guest passes to something other than 3BC or Catacombs
-Rename tokens (guild and character)
-Quest opening (hard/elite)
-Crafting blanks (trinkets for example)
Per Cocomajobo - Ranged has easy access to AOE - apparently 3 feats, BAB 11 and Dex 19 is considered easy access these days. post here
Dedicated Teams: be part of a larger community.
You never hear anyone say: "Yeah, but it's a dry cold."
Adventurers never forget. Adventurers still hate Coyle!
How about a "Crafter's Starting Kit" with 16 lesser essences of 4 types, 10 kyber shards, 10 sybaris shards, and a dust of disjunction [or a craftable-keyed club]? Including a tiny ingredients bag would be gravy!
Not much given, but enough to get someone started and enough essences there to make a few crafting shards.
I think the lottery is a great way to introduce players to the cosmetic stuff on the DDO store. Armor kits and special hairstyles would be lots of fun.
I'm pretty happy with the lotteries. I don't much care for all the BtC stuff though, esp on cheap-o items.
Hair kits and guest passes are some of the best things to put out there IMO.
Someone please explain this!
I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they're going and hook up with 'em later on - Mitch Hedberg
Silverweb - Silverwren - Silverware - Daydream - Dubbelklik
1) If you go to MyDDO, see link at tom of any forum page, and look at your player page, there is a button to enter your characters into the DDO lottery. You have to enter each character you want to participate (one button can flag them all at once). Please keep in mind that the entry is just for the lorrery running at that time, so you will need to keep entering each lottery as they are posted.
2) Wait.
3) Profit (emailed in game to winners)
My main has actually won quite a few tokens of the traveler. With a good run and a strong aura each token can win you a weapon worth just under 10k plat. Some of the items I've gotten have even been useful enough to put on some of my alts. I understand about people wanting to win hair styles and colors in the lottery. Some hair colors cost more TP then adventure packs, which IMO is kind of rediculous. Rare items seem like a good idea, offering one per server once a month still keeps them rare. Once a year give away a Ring of Spell Storing just to prove that they exist.
Done, I've added a +1 Lesser Heart of Wood to the DDO Lottery. We will consider the +3's in the future as we're refreshing our lotteries.
We're looking into adding crafting essences to the lottery!
We've added a Medium Thin Quiver to the Lottery! We'll add in some lasting resist potions and the like in the coming weeks as we remove older lotteries and replace them with newer ones.
I've added a royal blue hair dye lottery (the Hair Crazy Lottery is also sticking around for now.) Good luck!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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For Support:
There is one request I would like to make regarding lotteries:
When giving out guest passes in the lottery, I would greatly appreciate it if these passes were either self-usable, or you had to have the actual content pack in order to enter the guest pass lottery. That 30-minute crystal cove pass sitting in my character's inventory is doing nothing but taking space. :-(