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  1. #1
    Community Member Bart_D's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Make the character sheet more informative

    The character sheet could be much more informative, and the info must be available it just needs to be displayed. Afaik, there is currently nowhere to read your

    - healing amplification
    - immunities such as blindness, disease, poison, fear, etc.
    - under water action, feather fall, etc.¨
    - double strike chance
    - movement rate (as affected my haste, exped retreat, barb speed, sprint, longstrider, etc.)
    - attack rate (as affected by BAB, haste, alacrity, haste boost, etc.)

    I have probably forgotten some, but i think statistics such as these should be on the character sheet so you don't need to search through gear to see if you have blindness immunity for example.

  2. #2
    Community Member ~SyZoRe's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bart_D View Post
    The character sheet could be much more informative, and the info must be available it just needs to be displayed. Afaik, there is currently nowhere to read your

    - healing amplification
    - immunities such as blindness, disease, poison, fear, etc.
    - under water action, feather fall, etc.¨
    - double strike chance
    - movement rate (as affected my haste, exped retreat, barb speed, sprint, longstrider, etc.)
    - attack rate (as affected by BAB, haste, alacrity, haste boost, etc.)

    I have probably forgotten some, but i think statistics such as these should be on the character sheet so you don't need to search through gear to see if you have blindness immunity for example.

    Its true you can calculate them all and have it for your self, but having all of them in one spread sheet would be neat.
    ~ P h o e n i x - K n i g h t s ~
    ~Thyron || Trysania || Syzore ♠Orien♠ Orcitous || Thyborn || Kruusk~

  3. #3
    Community Member articwarrior's Avatar
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    I agree with everything but the last two, items and long buffs can give special effects such as immunity/wb/ff. but things like sprint boost and haste boost and multiple other things going at once may be easy to code but will cause lag because of your character sheet constantly changing within seconds

    majority rule.... /signed
    Khyber - Nuic (TR), Zapn (TR), Alixer, Nuiq

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Also add melee/ranged/spell threat, spell damage/crit boosts, and disease/poison immunity.

  5. #5
    Founder coolpenguin410's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bart_D View Post
    The character sheet could be much more informative, and the info must be available it just needs to be displayed. Afaik, there is currently nowhere to read your

    - healing amplification
    - immunities such as blindness, disease, poison, fear, etc.
    - under water action, feather fall, etc.¨
    - double strike chance
    - movement rate (as affected my haste, exped retreat, barb speed, sprint, longstrider, etc.)
    - attack rate (as affected by BAB, haste, alacrity, haste boost, etc.)

    I have probably forgotten some, but i think statistics such as these should be on the character sheet so you don't need to search through gear to see if you have blindness immunity for example.
    Healing Amp - yes
    Immunities - no
    UA, FF - no
    Doublestrike - yes
    Movement rate - no
    Attack rate - no

    For immunities, UA and FF, it is enough that the items and buff providing the bonus list them.

    Movement rate and attack rate change rapidly with short term buffs. Generally, this will not be noticed.

    Healing Amp and Doublestrike benefits are frequently permanent (or semi-permanent with items). A box for those wouldn't hurt anything.

    I would also like a space for threat modification. (Not how much hate you generated on an enemy, but your threat modifier as by enhancements and gear.)

  6. #6
    Community Member bor's Avatar
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  7. #7
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