Hey guys I was bored so my brain was doing that annoying thinking thing again...apprently all that gaming, TV and DnD hasn't corrupted/melted it yet...oh well
Disclaimer: I'm no crafter of words and well just bear with my crappy sentence structure pleaseI promise its not too bad just sorta of random and tangential.
Anyway the point is thoughts happened and these are them....when Myself and the gaming industry was younger we didn't really have a rating system like we do today.....mostly because it was largely ignored except by the more clueless parents (Note: Not bad parents..just clueless) who mostly got confused by the ratings like K-A (AKA the rating Chrono Trigger had) which made many scratch there heads wondering whats the point of a rating thats says basically "No Rating"
As much as I hate to praise my parents too often I'm going to use them to try to explain my point when I was a wee one from the day I was born to about the time I was 8-10ish my parents would always test a game,movie,etc. before letting me use it to see if it was appropriate for me and my brother since we always played together. After that they kept a general eye on what we played but we more or less got to play whatever we felt like but stop something inappropriate (ie. leisure suit larry)
The point I'm trying to make is that they actually made a conscious decision about whether the content was appropriate or not based on our age and maturity as opposed to relying on what a bunch of suits think the age group should be that plays any particular game. Kinda like how the censors of today are WAY more touchy than the sensors who say had a hand in animaniacs. TV, Movies Music,etc. is all the same
Also another thing I thought of is that some developers rely on getting say an M rating otherwise their sales will drop (relys on massive dispoasable income of part-time kids) while some developers try to avoid anything above a teen rating as too many parents will automatically ignore games with too high a rating (relys on the parents money to make profit) so because of this I'm thinking that developers of all forms of entertainment may have found them selves chained down by this.
My questions to you are as follows (Notes/sub-questions in blue):
- Do you think some Parents rely on the rating system too much nowadays?
Again not bad parents just somewhat clueless
- Does the system itself possibly stifle creativity when they need to aim for a certain rating (would Chrono Trigger have sucked if Square had of being aiming for an M rating game to make it sell)
ie. Would have Mortal Kombat vs. DC been a better game if their DC hadn't said you have to keep this within the Teen ESRB rating
- Would todays cartoons be closer to the awesomeness of most of our cartoons if it weren't for the need to have everything so PC and Kid friendly and frankly stupid-proof and would todays censors even let iconic characters like bugs bunny, or tom and jerry even get past their desk nowadays as a "kids" show.
ie. Today = Bob the builder, Dora the explora,etc. My Stuff = TMNT, Animaniacs, DnD, Night with the crypt keeper, goosebumps, power rangers (first series), erc.
um yeah thats it thanks for participating in my innane babbling.
Note: The below paragraph jusdt kinda popped into my head because I got an e-mail from the site this is hosted on and I hoped another episode was up..so yeah here yeah go.
Unrelated but these guys/girl talk about this kinda stuff alot in there show type thing check them out ranging anywhere from gaming trends or ways to upgrade the archaic A,B,C,D,E,F system schools still use. ans somehow do it without actually leaving the subject of gaming. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/vide.../extra-credits