To all my brothers and sisters out there who play ddo, Happy EMS week. Give thanks to those who help the elderly, sick and injured this week, give thanks to your local paramedics, EMT's and firefighters out there!
To all my brothers and sisters out there who play ddo, Happy EMS week. Give thanks to those who help the elderly, sick and injured this week, give thanks to your local paramedics, EMT's and firefighters out there!
You can't spell sarcasm without Sarc(Say): Conjoined Abishai Devastator says, 'I am weakening, you must have greensteel... impossible!'
What a great week indeed.
In a week, on the day, when I need to go to a wake/funeral for my aunt (we leave in 2 hours), who lived 4+ years in a relative bed ridden state, I need to send a thank you to the paramedics, nurses and EMT's who saved her life when she took a drastic fall 6 years ago.
The RNs, LPNs, home care givers. They work a job with near inhuman stress levels, yet save and comfort SO MANY.
They dont get paid enough, and never will. The will to succeed makes these heroes a truely unique breed. Give honor to these great, under-appreciated heroes of humanity.
(This is also a great time to thank the US Coast Guard, who's work is so important to our homeland. They are our water police, securer of our borders, our eyes and ears, our medics, and were by the way first responders in the 9/11 tragedy)
Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 05-19-2011 at 10:06 AM. Reason: added a shoutout to our US Coast Guard.
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