parody is a protected form of speech!
parody is a protected form of speech!
And so what if it's copyrighted?
Watch this:
My name is Chuck Norris.
Wow, look, I'm still alive. Nazi soldiers didn't burst into my room and carry me off screaming into the night. Anyone who thinks copyright law is at all applicable in a situation where a person chooses a pen name in order to maintain anonymity in a community needs to stop swallowing propaganda by the mouthful. Any corrupt fool of a judge who wants to rule it so needs to be disbarred and any police officer willing to enforce such laws is more akin to a mindless mafia thug than a protector of justice.
Oh look, my forum name TheDjinnFor just happens to have the word Djinn in it. Doesn't Dungeons and Dragons have a creature named the same thing?! Even worse, I've typed it twice now in this paragraph! WotC is going to sue me for copyright violation! Oh no!
What are we living in, the Dark Ages? Jeez.
Last edited by TheDjinnFor; 05-19-2011 at 05:01 PM.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
“No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Far more frivolous actions have been won in court for the smallest of violations these days. In the land of more lawyers than cops, there are people who now owe record labels millions of dollars in reparations for downloading a file to their hard drive. Unbelievable.
Usually the artist or creator doesnt care. Its the company, or in the case of music, the record label, who comes down on singel users and demands large sums of money to be paid as penalty for some minor infraction that didnt make the "violator" a red cent.
Someone isnt going to get sued or prosecuted for a name in an MMO, because the company would just rename the toon if they feel it violates the policy. I saw this in EQ1 alot. The DMs would actually freeze your toon and stand over you while you renamed it. Usually it was someone playing their favorite character from a book or movie series.
You would be surprised at how many "naming police" players there are who will report your name if its a popular character.
I honestly never understood why people keep naming their characters after popular names/characters...
be original for a change, there's already a few million clones running around, we don't need any more of them.
Everybody's cute. Everybody's cute! Even me. But in purple, I'm stunning!
1) Djinn is a well known creature of legend that did not originate with Dungeons and Dragons. It is not copyrighted.
2) Turbine's ToS says that you cannot use certain types of names. Turbine will ignore all violations of its naming policy for as long as it can, but if someone reports a naming violation they are likely to enforce their stated rules. Brownshirts won't come to your home and drag you away, but you will probably be renamed to something stupid if you have a character with a naming violation and you are reported.
Only VIPs and Premium users who paid within the past 30 days can report a naming violation, so feel free to **** off as many F2P players as you would like.
My problem is with these
First, to point out the hypocrisy, "Paladin" is a name of historical or religious significance and/or rank, title, or denotation of power. Paladin - A very specific group of twelve knights of Charlemagne's court. That's like calling them Knights of the Round Table, but they were also very real and very much more significant to history and religion.
They need to allow these for roleplaying purposes, not to mention a little bit of D&D flavor.
Am I very biased?
countfitz out.
there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
the official home of LOLWUT and R.O.G.U.E !
Pointless/Frivolous/Beguiling/Justanotha Waste of Time, Katzklaw, Pickt d'Locks & etc
Q: how do you get me to appear in a thread? A: ask a bard question! XD