[quote=stille_nacht;3805654]how do i counter hold from 5 different casters going of in chain as a pure fighter?[quote]

Kill them before they can cast the spell.
Get a pet to take their aggro.
FoM boots from Vault of Night.
Lure them out one at a time.
Sprint over to them and Cleave if they have low HP.
Invisibly run past them and don't fight them at all.
Some other way that didn't occur to me yet, but that makes sense for that particular quest.

how do i counter a bunch of ghosts shooting enervate pretty often when i cant murder them in 2 seconds? (enervate has no save/ 15 neg levs per 6 enervates on average)
Visor of the Flesh Renders.

Edit: I should point out that those are just some suggestions and not a dig on you in any way. I haven't been able to solo VoN1 on a melee type character just because of the stupid dance that the troll boss throws at me.