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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2010

    Default Guild RP idea for DDO

    Ok, so not sure if this has ever been suggested but I'm going to put it out there nevertheless.

    My idea is to incorporate more customizations into DDO but some that would allow the players to do the customization and will make Turbine some money in the process. No, this does not require a full platoon of artists.

    How about something like prefix and suffix titles on your character? Before you throw this idea down, hear out how I see this being implemented and it might change your mind. Instead of having cookie cutter names 'Sir', 'Lord', 'King', etc, allow the players to self title. Keep it to a reasonable number of letters (10 or so maybe) and only allow a prefix OR a suffix, to not allow names to get too long.

    Additionally, you could incorporate it into the guilds. You could allow a guildleader to give customized ranks to their members. These would be displayed to allow others to identify a rank of a guild member. It would be nice to know if that jerk you just got done grouping with was the guild leader of a guild or just a new member, so you could get an idea of what kind of people that guild wants in it.

    The money aspect, you could give a guild 3 customizable ranks, but for a modest fee, say 250 points, you could add another. Heck you could even split them into prefix or suffix titles and charge for each type.

    The aspect I want included into DDO is customizable titles to give our characters something to set each other apart. That is the biggest issue I see. This gives us a bit more of the feel of D&D while still making it easy for the dev team to code something (reasonably I would assume) and not have to hire 10 artists.

  2. #2
    Community Member Grenada's Avatar
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    They used to have the guild names, but got rid of them. There is a forum on that somewhere, but i cant remember (it is from recently though).

  3. #3
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by LordDelmar View Post
    Ok, so not sure if this has ever been suggested but I'm going to put it out there nevertheless.

    My idea is to incorporate more customizations into DDO but some that would allow the players to do the customization and will make Turbine some money in the process. No, this does not require a full platoon of artists.

    How about something like prefix and suffix titles on your character? Before you throw this idea down, hear out how I see this being implemented and it might change your mind. Instead of having cookie cutter names 'Sir', 'Lord', 'King', etc, allow the players to self title. Keep it to a reasonable number of letters (10 or so maybe) and only allow a prefix OR a suffix, to not allow names to get too long.

    Additionally, you could incorporate it into the guilds. You could allow a guildleader to give customized ranks to their members. These would be displayed to allow others to identify a rank of a guild member. It would be nice to know if that jerk you just got done grouping with was the guild leader of a guild or just a new member, so you could get an idea of what kind of people that guild wants in it.

    The money aspect, you could give a guild 3 customizable ranks, but for a modest fee, say 250 points, you could add another. Heck you could even split them into prefix or suffix titles and charge for each type.

    The aspect I want included into DDO is customizable titles to give our characters something to set each other apart. That is the biggest issue I see. This gives us a bit more of the feel of D&D while still making it easy for the dev team to code something (reasonably I would assume) and not have to hire 10 artists.
    Much as I love the RP, and wish there was ... any in DDO (seriously. I've been playing for what 18 months now? I haven't seen any at all), if this it the 'biggest issue' you see then you arent' looking hard enough.

    whinging and bitterness aside (well ok, maybe not bitterness. I need to stay beleiveable): I'd totally support the idea of guild-controlled titles, or guilds being able to have their own internal ranking systems and rights management (so you could have grades of officer - officers able to change ship buffs, but not recruit people, or vice versa. Just as an example of what could be possible, not something I'm saying I particularly want).

    But not direct player titles, unless they're earned via in game acheivements and toggleable so I don't have to see them on other players. There's enough ego in character names as it is (seriously. calling your character supermegauberhealer does NOT make it so). Introduce this as a free for all and before you know it you'll have five variations on Emperor XxxlegolasxxX ElfLord The Mighty and not one of them will be able to shoot a bow worth a **** or perform impossible acrobatics on to the back of an oncoming warg.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Oct 2010


    Well, I joined in October or so and I have only seen small bits of RP. This disappointed me a lot but I decided to learn the world a bit better before I brought my RP self into the game. Now that I know the world better, the storylines better and the factions better, when I TR I will be RPing most of the time (guild chat I might change up).

    I really enjoyed learning the world and much of the stories within it. Because of this, I felt that allowing players or at least guild leaders, to come up with custom titles for their people would really boost the RP factor of the game. Yes, you will always have people that name themselves 'God' or 'UberBardOfDoom' and the like, but you already have player names that do not fit within the game, so they are just as easily ignored.

    Truly, I do feel that something as small as customized guild titles (NOT cookie-cutter pickable ones) is a positive step towards a better DDO with more RP and feel of the old Pen and paper. I know that the devs read this forum, as I've seen a few player ideas come to fruition.

    All I ask is for everyone to remember those days/nights playing D&D with your friends and the feeling you got when you were part of something larger and you maybe got a title or made a name for yourself. That same feeling that wherever you went, people would be able to associate you with a certain faction based on a title that you were known for.

    The reason I say let it be guild leader controlled (players might have a way of buying for the guild) is to prevent players from going completely off base. Let the leaders have some accountability and actually feel that something they do has a real impact on the way the others in their world, see their guild.

    I know some games have titles you can buy. Both prefix and suffix titles in fact. The reason I say customizable is because it would be a LOT of work to include so many that it would please a majority of player population. Plus, requests to add a certain title would likely cause even more work.

    Being all for helping Turbine by throwing my money at them, this could be as big of a payoff as the armor kits.

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