So this is to you tanks out there... How often and when do you use CE?
I'm fairly new to the tanking world, at lvl 19 on my pally monk hybrid tank, and just can't bring myself to turn off PA in any situation. I don't even have CE on this build (will try it out next life), but in this life, I do use the defensive stance at times for grins. Although 5 AC>>2AC, they both have the same to-hit penalty, so I figured it would give me some flavor for CE. Result is... I just can't justify it. If I can take the to-hit penalty, I'd rather take the potential +25% in dmg for more dps, and if I'm on the AC fence (so to speak), I probably shouldn't be AC tanking ANYWAY, and should go the meatbag route.
Someone with more experience shed the light on this feat for me before I TR this guy? Tnx.