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  1. #1
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Default Dice Notation...again

    Yeah, Again. The new dice notation still isn't working for me. It has been how long now? Change it back or at least give us the option to toggle between them.

    And remember 2d6 =/= 2-12!!!!
    Officer - Eternal Wrath
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  2. #2
    Community Member bradleyforrest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elraido View Post
    Yeah, Again. The new dice notation still isn't working for me. It has been how long now? Change it back or at least give us the option to toggle between them.

    And remember 2d6 =/= 2-12!!!!

    C'mon devs, we were told that we would have the option to toggle this on and off. We're approaching the 1 year mark of this bastardization, give us the option to actually see D&D numbers.

  3. #3
    Community Member Quarterling's Avatar
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    Even my grandmother who doesn't know what the d20 system is could understand the concept that 2d10 means that you roll two 10-sided dice.

    Seriously, why not just have literally a 1 minute tutorial that goes along with Korthos explaining this simple concept?
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  4. #4
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
    ...when the worst thing that happens when you make a mistake at your job is someone complains on the internet, you probably care a little less!

  5. #5
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterling View Post

    Even my grandmother who doesn't know what the d20 system is could understand the concept that 2d10 means that you roll two 10-sided dice.

    Seriously, why not just have literally a 1 minute tutorial that goes along with Korthos explaining this simple concept?
    They have a tutorial for everything else...why not!
    Officer - Eternal Wrath
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  6. #6
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.Ogre View Post
    Explain what? In the descriptions of weapons/spells it now says an item will do 2-12 points of damage from holy. Before it had the proper D&D notation of 2d6. They changed it to "simplify" the process for newbies coming over from WoW who can't process that type of thinking. If you look at the stastics of the dice rolling as well, you will see that 2-12 does not mean the same thing as 2d6. 2-12 gives the same chance to roll 2 damage vs 7 damage. 2d6....go roll them. You will see a bell pattern form from your rolls. not many 2's or 12's but lots of 6-8's. That is why in PnP a great sword and a great axe are different in damage distribution. a great axe has a more even distribution....1 in 12 to roll any number. A great sword has that bell curve to it.
    Officer - Eternal Wrath
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  7. #7
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    Isn't there also a "D&D" dice note; or does that not appear on weapons?

  8. #8
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    At the very least, switch the current format around. Include D&D dice notation in the original descriptions, and have an explanation below for dimbo-dumbos.


    Finger of Death
    Slays one living enemy. Those that succeed on a Fortitude save instead are dealt 3d3+9 plus 1 per caster level (Maximum caster level 25.) damage.

    Note: 3d3 means 3 rolls of a 3-sided die, for a total of 3-9.

  9. #9
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    yuh, i unerstand dice rolls. there's only 1 way to roll a 12 on either 1d12 or 2d6, but there's 6 ways to roll a 7 on 2d6 as opposed to 1 way on 1d12. i just didn't think about the descriptions in spells and such. the correct notation is on our weapons... Yes, I agree about having the correct notation in descriptions.


    or, at least it's there for the damage part... is it not there for any extra effects it has? didn't notice. If not then yeah again, should be there.
    Last edited by B.Ogre; 05-18-2011 at 04:06 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
    ...when the worst thing that happens when you make a mistake at your job is someone complains on the internet, you probably care a little less!

  10. #10
    Community Member dragonruler's Avatar
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    Someone ordered a crate of sticks and some horses???

    btw totally agree with OP I want my old descriptions back. Heck I don't even read em anymore cuz it's such a disappointment to me now
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  11. #11
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonruler View Post
    Someone ordered a crate of sticks and some horses???
    Roll up roll up! Get yer horses, guns, ammunition and sticks here! Get 'em while they're frisky!

    And /signed. I want one of two things, in order of desirability:
    1. Toggle option please so I can see one or the other
    2. The dice notation being given the prominent display position. It should always come first, it shouldn't even need explaining why.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  12. #12
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, the people who understand how dice ranges work are smart enough to figure out that 2-12 should actually be read as 2d6, whereas the people who DONT understand how dice ranges work ARENT smart enough to figure out how to interpret 2d6 into 2-12, with mid-line statistics factored in. Therefor the devs err on the side of the Dee-Dee-Dee's.

    Veteran DnD players can figure out that 3-14 is actually 1d12+2 (as opposed to 2d6+1 [or 2d6+2] -- both of which are incorrect) because we are used to seeing the numbers and we make the conversion automatically. Those unfamiliar with the system, and who are used to more 'modern' online gaming systems that use a pure random number of 3-14 as opposed to added die rolls simply cant wrap their heads around the concept.

    Personally I think that if you cant figure out how to add 3d6+4 and come up with the correct ranges, you are too stupid to wield that wpn or cast that spell. I hate seeing the extra trash in the spell descriptions, but at least it allows for both sets of players. Adding both to wpns would be horrible, given the crammed nature of the UI display for them. The ability to toggle between the two types of display would be an ideal solution, but is it really worth the time and resources for the devs to do this, as opposed to something else? The lack of DnD dice display irks me too, but then again -- i understand the dice

  13. #13
    Community Member Kahless_of_Cannith's Avatar
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    Helps retain pnp flavor and makes practical sense too.

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