Is this going to be another Blizzard/Blizzard North?
I hate it when games I'm anticipating get thrown into Copyright Conflict Limbo.
Fear the Koala.
Jial, Wyllywyl, and an ever-changing list of alts.
The first two were great due to Chris Sawyer's development, the third not so much. Man sits down and does everythin gin in assembly, which is pretty neat. Speaking of Atari and lawsuits...
That's how they treat the creators of their "key strategic licenses".In November 2005, Sawyer sued Atari, claiming that they had failed to pay him certain royalties. Sawyer and Atari settled out of court for an undisclosed amount in February 2008.
Cryptic may not be the greatest gaming company, but I definitely enjoy Champions Online. Sure there are things that could be improved but the same could be said of most MMOs. I just find myself staying subscribed to CO even if I don't play it a lot whereas I doubt I would subscribe to DDO again were it not to offer the ability to buy up content.
I cant' speak about STO, but CO pre day 1 release nerf AND now that it has gone their version of F2P is actually fun. I do wonder what it means for CO and STO for them.
Found this post as well.
Post #6 is what they have to say on the matter in their forums.
Last edited by Missing_Minds; 05-18-2011 at 08:36 AM.