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  1. #41
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I think that the Shared Bank is one of the best things one can acquire for your account, and have bought the upgrades promptly when they have come out.
    I agree with this 100% and then another 100% on top of that, if I ever went from ViP to Prieum, the first thing I would buy would be my Shared Bank again, if that meant I had to do without content for a while longer, then so be it.

    It is really one of the best things for a player can own.

    Which is why I disagree with your idea, I do not, or could I ever, support a one time payment of as little as (currently) 7.99 would entitle you a permanent 5 slot shared bank account on top of getting the TP from the purchase. That would be WAY too much to a premium member and take away too much from the benefits of being a ViP.

    However, I so support the idea of 200TP Single Slot shared bank account.

    Quote Originally Posted by suszterpatt View Post
    Consider this: 1 slot, and once you take something out, you can't put anything back in for 3-7 days. Available for ~200 TP. Still useful for passing the occasional BtA item, but doesn't render the 20 slot unlimited access extravaganza that is the current shared bank useless. Heck, it may even prompt people to upgrade to the full bank once they get a taste.
    I think if they did this, they should make it open (IE: you can use it like a normal shared bank slot) or if they put a timer on it, make 2 day 18 hours, it be inline with a raid timers

    I very much would get behind this idea. I would never buy it, ever, as I know without question, that I would buy the 20 slot shared bank, but, I think it would be something that players might like, a little something to let them trade those BtA items. Without big scary 1K+ TP for the 20 Slot.

  2. #42
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suszterpatt View Post
    Consider this: 1 slot, and once you take something out, you can't put anything back in for 3-7 days. Available for ~200 TP. Still useful for passing the occasional BtA item, but doesn't render the 20 slot unlimited access extravaganza that is the current shared bank useless. Heck, it may even prompt people to upgrade to the full bank once they get a taste.

    I know I'd pay that price, while I'm very hesitant to shell out almost 1.5k for the shared bank since it wouldn't see much use.
    I would not post about changing or messing with the shared bank , Its against popular opinion and they will neg rep you for it..

    Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
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  3. #43
    Community Member bor's Avatar
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    SIGNED in caps lol

    Would love that turbine listen to people for once
    Give voice to the people and they will speak

  4. #44
    Founder auximenes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I really think that Premium players should get five Shared Bank slots, VIPs the standard twenty (maybe up this to 25 default), and totally F2P none. Because right now, BtA is a fairly subjective term.
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  5. #45
    Community Member Rakian_Knight's Avatar
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    I don't think anyone here is saying that the shared bank isn't worth the value, the problem is more the lack of other options with it. I am a premium member, and if I had money to spend on the shared bank I would, however, I don't even have enough to get my computer fixed to play DDO again, so that's going to have to wait.

    However, lets compare the shared bank to something else in the game that almost everyone uses, the auction house.

    Free to play
    Auction House use is extremely limited allowing only a single posted item (if I remember correctly) for sale.

    Premium / VIP
    Auction House is unlocked basically allowing you to post as many useless items as you want.

    Imagine if we had something like this for the shared bank.

    Free to Play

    5 spaces (To try it out more or less)

    30 spaces (Basically gets the Shared bank and an upgrade with being VIP)

    Hell, even if they offered different sized one for less cost I think the OP and other people would be happier.
    10 spaces 750 TP
    20 spaces 1150 TP
    30 spaces 1500 TP

    Hope my ramblings help.
    A necromancer from before Pale Master came out.
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  6. #46
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    What's next? Only paying 60% of the price for the Favored Soul class if you only want to take 12 levels of it? Or paying only 10% for monk class and being limited to 2 levels of monk?

    This comes down to your choice: new adventure pack/race/class or a convenience item that will, in my opinion, make your game play experience all that much better.

  7. #47
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    We all know that ultimately the possibility of having a more economic way to utilize Bound to Account Items for non VIPS is based entirely on the current Shared-Bank sales.

    If the current package is selling well and a large chunk of Premium players are purchasing it- there is absolutely no chance in this universe or any other Turbine will offer any alternatives. It would only -potentially- cut profits, and they will not under any circumstance allow even the smallest profit loss for player convenience. Business first- quality second. Don't forget that.

    However, if the Shared-Bank package is not selling well (and I suspect that it isn't, it's a terrible deal) then offering a 1-5 slot limited shared bank option may prove profitable. Thought perhaps not profitable enough to warrant the coding effort involved in programming some sort of bank related slot cooldown.

    Basically I would suggest offering a very limited option in the Turbine store for the super-budget gamers to utilize BtA items in some way. And then have that TP cost subtract from the full Shared-bank option should that player purchase it in the future.
    Last edited by eulogy098; 05-19-2011 at 07:12 PM.
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  8. #48
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Since some of you want to look at the shared bank in a totally different way than intended, perhaps we who have the shared bank should be asking you something different.

    Why do you hate DDO and not want future updates?

    Really, this can be argued both ways, in that a smaller bank will generate more sales and therefore more revenue. But it has also been stated that the shared bank is indispensable. You may only run an adventure pack 2,3 or 4 times. The shared bank is used constantly and daily. That's why it has the higher price tag because of it's usefulness.

    And lets face it, you can earn DDO points for nothing. Yes it's a lot of points to grind for and would take a long time, but you can get it for FREE eventually. People buy the shared bank because they don't want to have to grind for months just to earn it.

    Why further devalue the shared bank by asking for something smaller? It would be a lower cost and be easier to get for free by getting favor.

    This is yet another reason why Turbine probably won't make something smaller available and why I think it's a bad idea.

    Support DDO and Turbine, buy points or go ViP.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post
    Since some of you want to look at the shared bank in a totally different way than intended, perhaps we who have the shared bank should be asking you something different.

    Why do you hate DDO and not want future updates?

    Really, this can be argued both ways, in that a smaller bank will generate more sales and therefore more revenue. But it has also been stated that the shared bank is indispensable. You may only run an adventure pack 2,3 or 4 times. The shared bank is used constantly and daily. That's why it has the higher price tag because of it's usefulness.

    And lets face it, you can earn DDO points for nothing. Yes it's a lot of points to grind for and would take a long time, but you can get it for FREE eventually. People buy the shared bank because they don't want to have to grind for months just to earn it.

    Why further devalue the shared bank by asking for something smaller? It would be a lower cost and be easier to get for free by getting favor.

    This is yet another reason why Turbine probably won't make something smaller available and why I think it's a bad idea.

    Support DDO and Turbine, buy points or go ViP.
    Why on earth would a cheaper, limited shared bank devalue the larger, expensive one, as long as the benefits are equally smaller? In fact, what do you mean when you say that "some of us want to look at the shared bank in a totally different way than intended"? What do you think the intended use is for the shared bank?

  10. #50
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Please note: Giving anyone something for nothing, is not going to happen.

    If you want something, then expect the trade off, like this: They could put in a single slot bank for 200 TP, maybe a 5 slot for 750 TP and a 20 slot for 1500 TP.

    If you want it, you can buy it, which is what the whole system is all about.

  11. #51
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    if they do add smaller shared banks, i would say they should be more than proportionally expensive. the extra slots are frankly the smallest benefit (not that it isn't nice to have space accessible for each character for convenience, mind you).

    but perhaps an alternate option would be more palatable: 200 TP for a single day of having one shared bank slot. yes, it's expensive, but it *should* be. yes, it's a recurring cost, but you're getting by far the biggest draw to having a shared bank (being able to actually swap BTA items). this would, imo, actually provide the "sample" that people are looking for. potentially, there might be some sort of once-per-account quest that lets you get this cheaper (much like the cheap siberys cake quest in korthos), but overall imo this should be something that should be protected.

    this particular feature is probably one of turbine's main moneymakers. sure, i'd love to have gotten it free. but on the other hand, and i'm going to be blunt here... turbine ultimately exists to make money. not to be your friends, not even to create awesome games (that's just a means to an end), but to make money. i fully support them in that effort, so long as they continue making money by providing a service that i like. and while i may occasionally wish i had full VIP perks (being able to open stuff on elite would be nice, for example), i fully support those who choose to subscribe to the VIP access that i haven't subscribed to (i'm too cheap, and am only premium). because those who pay money, are in fact not just paying money so that they can play... they're paying money so that *i* can play too.

    frankly, i would rather see *more* new toys given to VIP accounts relative to everyone else, not that everyone else should get more bonuses relative to VIP accounts. while i might support the *eventual* freely-given shared bank (or even a cheaply-bought one), i think it should only ever even be a consideration *if* VIPs start getting a bunch of other shiny new toys. and unfortunately, i can't really think of what shiny new toys to give them that would compare.

  12. #52
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I think the only people who believe the Shared Bank is not worth the points are those who currently do not have it at all.
    Which is one reason why having a small shared bank teaser would make people want to buy the real thing. Not saying I support the OP's idea, just giving some logic.

    I'm probably wrong.

  13. #53
    Community Member whitehawk74's Avatar
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    Yeah a teaser would be a good idea, but really if would have to be ******** down to 1 slot and only be usable every 3 days or something similarly absurd.
    I have lots of things bound to account, but the shared bank slots are just extra bank slots really. I dont use it that much to move items from one char to another.
    Now that I have a shared bank there is no way I could go back to not having it.
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  14. #54
    Community Member Gauthaag's Avatar
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    What about something like rented secure box?

    Say, u could buy 10 items space, where u can store items for some smaller amount of TPs.
    But whenever u want to access this space u should use key bought from DDO store.

    P.S. I also think shared bank is great and really worth the investment. I have fully upgraded shared bank w 60 slots

  15. #55
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    200 TP for a single day of having one shared bank slot. yes, it's expensive, but it *should* be. yes, it's a recurring cost, but you're getting by far the biggest draw to having a shared bank
    You know, that has some great potential. Maybe even have it last like 3 days (like a shop amenity) for 200TP. So you could rent it short term, to "try before you buy" and see how it works.

    Another good idea.

    frankly, i would rather see *more* new toys given to VIP accounts relative to everyone else, not that everyone else should get more bonuses relative to VIP accounts. while i might support the *eventual* freely-given shared bank (or even a cheaply-bought one), i think it should only ever even be a consideration *if* VIPs start getting a bunch of other shiny new toys. and unfortunately, i can't really think of what shiny new toys to give them that would compare.
    The issue is that ViP don't actually get the bank. they are allowed to use it as long as they pay for it.

    So, it would only be fair, that if anyone else wanted it, they too should need to pay for it.

  16. #56
    Community Member Hokiewa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suszterpatt View Post
    Why on earth would a cheaper, limited shared bank devalue the larger, expensive one, as long as the benefits are equally smaller? In fact, what do you mean when you say that "some of us want to look at the shared bank in a totally different way than intended"? What do you think the intended use is for the shared bank?
    It's pretty simple why a smaller bank devalues the larger one.....The only real difference btw a 20 slot bank to a 5 slot bank or even a 1 slot bank would be time. The time to log out, relog in etc....

    That mechanic, time, already exists in game for a player to earn unlimited TPs and thus purchase the shared bank.

    Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?

  17. #57
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    I'm a premium player that played pre-F2P. I loved the shared bank and it was one of my first purchases. I have even bought the 10 slot upgrade (love my hagglebot).

    I think premium should get 1 slot not 5. This way, its very inconvenient to use, but shows the benefits of having it. 5 slots is very nice and you can trade all your BTA items very easily and most wouldn't buy the upgrade to 20, which is why I think 1 is better.

    I don't know why you still can't do anything with cash apart from use a friend to trade it to.. Have it so you can put plat in a slot. Even if the limit is 10,000 you can easily trade alot of cash between toons without mailing it to them (tripple checking you get the name right) as long as you clear enough slots out.
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  18. #58
    Community Member Truga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Shouldn't cost you a cent in tp imo.

    You get a BTA item, it should REALLY be BTA.. Not BTA if you shell out 20 bucks.

    So my suggestion:
    Allow us to mail BTA items to our alts.
    This. Plus, with the base cost of some higher level bta items (i.e. epic CC), the amount of plat required to mail this **** around would be quite hefty. :P

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Shouldn't cost you a cent in tp imo.

    You get a BTA item, it should REALLY be BTA.. Not BTA if you shell out 20 bucks.

    So my suggestion:
    Allow us to mail BTA items to our alts.
    Yes to this

    Beware the Sleepeater

  20. #60
    Community Member AcesWylde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rakian_Knight View Post
    Imagine if we had something like this for the shared bank.

    Free to Play

    5 spaces (To try it out more or less)
    25 spaces (if purchased shared bank)

    30 spaces (Basically gets the Shared bank and an upgrade with being VIP)
    fixed it for ya

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