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  1. #1
    Community Member Chaosprism's Avatar
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    Default Minor extra for savants

    Given that they have "elemental" particle affects around their hands how about this minor enhancement.

    All weapons the wield deal 1 point elemental TOUCH of their element to targets (gained at savant level1 and has no more upgrades)

    Includes throwing weapons, missile and melee weapons.

  2. #2
    Community Member Grenada's Avatar
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    Interesting, but given that by level 6 (when u can get tier 1 as a savant) I almost never swing a weapon, I would rather see them work on something else.

  3. #3
    Community Member kuro_zero's Avatar
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    Archmages should get an aura... or even better - they no longer walk but hover a few inches off the ground and eyes aglow with barely contained arcane fury.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Why not scale it?

    1 pt @ lvl 6

    1d6 + 1 @ lvl 12

    !d6 + 1 + 1d10(crit) @ lvl 18

    Maybe to some, the OP is asking too much, but I dont' see it that way. This might be something to consider. Assuming they could code it without issue.

    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  5. #5
    Community Member ProdigalGuru's Avatar
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    What does a Sorcerer need with Melee weapon damage?

    Seems completely unnecessary to me.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProdigalGuru View Post
    What does a Sorcerer need with Melee weapon damage?

    Seems completely unnecessary to me.
    Nothing wrong with adding flavor and depth to a class and Pre. Might not be your cup of tea, or many others for that matter, but it is an idea. And not a harmful one at that.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  7. #7
    Community Member kuro_zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Why not scale it?

    1 pt @ lvl 6

    1d6 + 1 @ lvl 12

    !d6 + 1 + 1d10(crit) @ lvl 18

    Maybe to some, the OP is asking too much, but I dont' see it that way. This might be something to consider. Assuming they could code it without issue.

    It could open up some interesting monk/sorc multi-classes (provided they don't completely Bork unarmed implementation - taking bets) in the vein of PM/monk ideas floating around.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Nothing wrong with adding flavor and depth to a class and Pre. Might not be your cup of tea, or many others for that matter, but it is an idea. And not a harmful one at that.
    are you kidding me? i want them to fix the PrE benefit (the +MCL) so it works properly and then never ever ever ever look at it again. you know what happens to stuff when the devs start playing with it? there's two probable outcomes, and one really improbable outcome...

    probable 1) the entire thing goes up in flames and nothing works anymore.
    probable 2) the entire thing goes weird and gets a massive unintended (and not apparently related) boost in power... and then gets nerfed until nothing remains but a smoking pile of ashes is left, with the boost apparently necessitating that the entire thing get reduced to lower power than when it started...

    really improbable: the tweaking goes as planned, no crazy unintended consequences happen anywhere else in the game, and everyone is happy.

    no sir, i'd rather they get it working and then never touch it again. they broke every single non-crafted handwrap in the game trying to fix crafted handwraps. i don't even want to *think* about what might happen to every single elemental burst in the game if they start mucking around. or that the added melee damage might somehow manage to bork the stuff that is working right now... no thank you. based on the kinds of weird bugs that pop up, i can only assume the people who originally coded this game didn't understand how to properly make things separate, nor did they understand the concept of using comments to document what the code does. i mean, really, let's stop and consider... is there really *anything* they changed in U9 that would have made you think "hey, i bet they totally borked everyone's tier 3 greensteel weapons"? i certainly would have never guessed. yet here we are now, and apparently tier 3 greensteels are somehow related to the spell pass or something like that... or making slicing into a craftable enhancement made min IIs stop working entirely... or something like that. never would have expected it to be a problem. but it is.

    so yeah... i'd rather they not muck around with savant. odds are good someday savant will get borked because they introduce a new NPC that uses the lyrandar dragonmark or something like that anyways, there's no need to tempt fate by actually tinkering with the PrE unless it's absolutely needed.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    are you kidding me? i want them to fix the PrE benefit (the +MCL) so it works properly and then never ever ever ever look at it again.
    I wish... so hard...
    But i'm starting to believe things like that cant be done here.

  10. #10
    Community Member ProdigalGuru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Nothing wrong with adding flavor and depth to a class and Pre. Might not be your cup of tea, or many others for that matter, but it is an idea. And not a harmful one at that.
    Savant doesn't have enough flavor and depth for you already?

    You seem really hard to please, if this is the case.

    I think these PrE are amazing.
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  11. #11
    Community Member BurningDownTheHouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Why not scale it?

    1 pt @ lvl 6

    1d6 + 1 @ lvl 12

    !d6 + 1 + 1d10(crit) @ lvl 18

    Maybe to some, the OP is asking too much, but I dont' see it that way. This might be something to consider. Assuming they could code it without issue.

    Will definitely be useful for those epic SoS sorcs you see running around.

    No, really, I actually know one. He's a 16/2/2 sorc/pal/monk atm though.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Lailat is just a loot pinyata.

  12. #12
    Community Member Phemt81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Assuming they could code it without issue.

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