hmm... lets see who the wad is...
lfm starts for normal vod looking for muscle but not advertised for tank. something to the extend of 'know your stuff' (6-7 spots left)
I have joined raids run by that person on my alts before and decide to join it. I wanted to let him/her know that i was not a 'tank type' and sent a pm saying '20fighter. would like to join, not tank' and hit lfm.
No reply for 30 sec. then declined and told "i do not allow member from your guild in my group"
Me -

any particular reason?
RL- coz nobody in your guild carries fort, hp, dr breaker
Me- what if i had them?
RL- link and hit lfm
I linked the min2s, minos, con6, GFL item and curse pots and hit the lfm again
Me - now what?
RL - you need guild curse pots
Me - only if you have madstone boots and i have not been lucky yet
And finally was sent an invite to join but leaves me wondering why ppl have to be such pricks
/rant off