Had a thought as to how Turbine could make people *enjoy* extended server downtime...
Simply this - Have an xp event 7 days after any downtime that mirrors the amount of downtime.
For example: On a Monday where there is 4 hours of scheduled downtime, if there servers are back up in under 4 hrs then the following Monday there would be a +5% xp event during the exact times the server was down, say 6AM to 9:35AM EST. A minor boost for a minor annoyance.
Now, for something like today, there would be an XP event for next Monday that lasted 6AM-5:44PM and gave +15%. Not half bad for a half-day outage.
For numbers I could see something like this:
+5% if servers are up early
+10% elif less than 2x promised downtime elapsed
+15% elif less than 3x time elapsed
+20% elif less than 4x (see, you would have been rooting for the servers to stay down another 17 minutes!)
+25% otherwise
I feel this would cut down significantly on the downtime whinging as well as rewarding those that would have normally played during those hours (seeing as how many people have cyclical work/play schedules)