lack of abuse isnt love
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
Community Member
This was mentioned on 5-13 on Lamania.
It was bug reported and on the Llama-land forums.
I understand that Turbine can't fix everything before it goes live and that there are some bugs that they just can't take care of before they have to roll out the patch, but it would be really great if Turbine could make a list of known bugs that actually includes all of the bugs that they know about.
Just so you know Lamania isn't a "test" server, it's a preview server. Most things on Lamania (bugs and all) get brought over to live. It isn't their testing ground.
I did some testing on the guild ship. Swap out different handwraps had the same to hit for each one. Activated my planer gird and my to hit went up +10 (4 for GH and 6 from epic wraps) but went I switched wraps it drop back to the low to hit.
so clicky buffs affect it, any one try if spell buffs affect it?
After reading this I did some testing myself. GH clickie does indeed seem to fix the "to hit" issue but I also found that if you swap out of Litany of the Dead it will fix both "to hit" and damage issues. A very poor workaround but it is a workaround. So swap wraps, then unequip and reequip Litany then continue the fight. This may have something to do with adding or removing to hit and damage bonuses. Testing with other (easier to acquire) items may find other workarounds.
I tested with Tumbleweed and crafted goggles (+2 attack bonus) and they seem to fix the to hit issue as well by swapping them.
Perhaps and item that adds damage like bold trinket will be able to fix the damage issue? I don't have one to test with.
Last edited by redspecter23; 05-17-2011 at 09:38 AM.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
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Community Member
In any MMO this old, the code goes WAAAAAAYYYY back.
A lot of it is intertwined, especially with Epics being thrown on top of older content.
If you notice, the older content that got Epic'd is not nearly as smooth or polished as the content that came out already Epic'd.
If we want more bug fixes, we have to quit demanding so much new content. But as the community has stated (by forum posts or cash spent), we are more worried about newer, shinier content and items and OMG! than we are with a more polished, smoother game
Smrti on Khyber
Took my Horc Black Lotus "Returning" to GH at lunch and the Stonedust handwraps worked properly until switched out for a wand then back..after the switch they are definitely not applying the +5 Enh Bonus to hit or to damage. Did get enuff kills to hit level 12, guess ill keep the PJs of Equilibium in Bank a lil longer and get the ML 12 Cove Gear in my other rogues bank...will wait patiently for UA Speed Vorpal SAs...unless this game mechanic breaks as a result of HWs getn fixed oO
Started a monk today (with vet status). I had heard of the handwrap problems but discovered something new: equipping order matters.
Each time I started naked, the handwraps are the vet starting wraps of +1 flaming, necklace is the necklace of contemplation with a +1 comp. bonus to attack.
Try 1
Beginning attack of +7
Equip necklace -> +8
Equip handwraps -> +7
Worse than I thought! (not that it really matters at level 4, but it seems to be wiping out all bonuses)
But wait:
Try 2
Beginning attack of +7
Equip handwraps -> +7
Equip necklace -> +9
The full attack I should have!
Both numbers were confirmed in combat log as the actual numbers.
Just to give a (minor, I know) update to this: We're continuing to investigate improperly-applied handwrap enhancement bonuses to determine the cause, and find the best solution. Thank you for your patience!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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