Over Raided is the premiere raiding guild of Orien and we're looking for two people who are passionate about raiding. Over Raided is raid-focused, drama-free and close-knit (only 15 active accounts). Many of us have been playing together for more than a year and have been responsible for most of the notable "firsts" on the server.
Ask yourself these four questions:
1. Do you value your time? We start raids at 9pm eastern every night and end by 11:30pm at the latest. We've all got jobs. We've all got at least one character in the middle of a TR, or epics we're farming every day for elusive loot. So we're efficient with the time we allocate to raiding. You won't find 50-minute VoN5 completions here. You won't stand around for an hour waiting for a raid to start. You won't stand around for 35 minutes determining who gets loot. We've done 13-minute completions of Tower of Despair. We've done 3-minute completions of epic Zawabi's Revenge.
2. Are you looking for a challenge? It's typical for us to run eight characters for epic raids. We don't invite pugs to fill up the group. With our current rotation, we typically run ToD (frequently elite with Suulomades), elite Abbot, epic VoN and epic DQ twice every three days. Occasionally we mix it up with other raids.
3. Are you tired of dead weight in your raids? Every single character we bring to raids contributes to their fullest. We don't carry anyone through a raid. We would rather raid with one less person than to bring an unfit character. Our typical raid composition is 1 arcane, 2 divine and the rest melee. You won't find DEX monks/rogues, bow-focused or 200 HP characters in our raids. You will find melee focused on high DPS.
4. Are you tired of the "loot what you pull" mentality? We loot council raid items. The officers are extremely transparent about who should get what item, and for what reason. Discussion always includes feedback solicited from members, and takes many factors into account including # of raids completed, # of TRs completed, how many non-tradeable parts you already have to complete an epic item, and applicability to your current build. You won't find us giving Tharne's Goggles to favored soul evokers over melee, Bracers of the Glacier to monks over casters, or Torc of Rayium-de II to bards over arcanes (all of which we've witnessed in pug raids on Orien). You will see us award +4 CON tomes to tanks over non-tanks and +4 DEX tomes to TWF melee over other archetypes. You will see us pool all our FRDS and epic scrolls, and award them to the people who need them to complete epic items.
The three fundamental things we're looking for from interested players:
1. You always have at least two level-20 raid-caliber characters available to raid. We're more interested in the viability of a build for raids and epic quests than gear. However, your current gear should demonstrate to us that you know how to gear a character with what's available to you.
Everyone: You should be able to cast Raise Dead at least once. Tier-2 Shroud items are very cheap to make.
Melee: You must have DR-breaking weapons. If you have evasion, you must have high enough to-hit and close to 35 reflex save to solo melee epic VON6 fire base. You have enough HP and healing amp not to die in elite Shroud part 4+5.
Tanks: You must have enough Incite and HP to get the job done, and enough Healing Amplification to avoid needlessly draining healer manapools. Our top-geared melee DPS have 20% Incite from the epic Claw set. You need enough Incite to match that and overcome the DPS gap between them and you. 45% Incite is trivial to acquire from Dragontouched and Brute Fighting now works while raged. We frown upon sword and board tanks. More DPS is always the right answer.
Sorcerers/Wizards/Favored Souls/Clerics: You should have enough cold absorb to kite shadows in elite ToD part2.
Sorcerers/Wizards: You should have enough spell pen and high enough DC to solo Orthons in elite ToD part3.
2. You play almost every day. We reap the rewards from having a small guild, so everyone has to be extremely active. Also, most of us have been playing together for a year (or more). You need to be around enough to get to know us, both in and out of raids.
3. You don't induce drama. Over Raided is a drama free zone. Regardless of our respective ages, we're all adults. We're here to have fun.
If you read this and thought "this is the guild I've been looking for", then send me a PM with DDO links to your characters to get started.