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Only if built for str... Then again that's how I've always felt about melee rangers in general. Dex rangers are wimpy in the dps department. It's possible to get a high enough AC to tank as an exploiter ranger, but there are much better builds to get a high AC that do a metric ton more damage than a dex ranger, so to me dex ranger is not a build I'd want. Dump AC, go for STR, DPS, HP and utility. Finesse is for the weak. Khopesh wins. Make sure you have over 425 HP or so for raiding (standing with ship buffs, before raid buffs). Your saves, death ward, poison resist, greater heroism, resistance spells and evasion will enable a lot of the spellcasting dps to bounce off. Anything below this and you'll die any time a heal lags or a healer messes up. You may get away with it sometimes, but low HP always catches up to you. Then again, my caster has 400HP (with buffs) so maybe I take it a little too far. 450 fully buffed with healing amp is the minimum sweet spot for a ranger with greater resistance, evasion, poison resist, gh, and good reflex saves. You'll die with any less unless you have really good healers or you are really lucky. If your healing amp isn't up to par you will be a mana sponge. If your saves suck and you don't have evasion I think the consensus is 550+ or so.