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  1. #1
    Lord of Dragons Maatogaeoth's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Barbarian + Ranger?

    I've currently got a Human 32pt 12 Barb/4 Ranger that I'm messing around with. It was a super old (3+ year) character that I'd had sitting around that I thought I'd give it a shot again.

    I've come to the conclusion that I didn't like the way it was playing out as a pure barb so I started messing around with LR's to pick up some ranger levels. So far, I've been entertained with what she can do but I'm just wondering if there's a point where I should be with a balance between the barbarian and ranger levels.

    I've really been enjoying my cranked up rage/madstone boot rage 42+ STR stabbing stuff with the new Turbulent Epee ( set that I picked up.

    So I'm looking for opinions on if I should LR more to pick up additional ranger levels or just roll with what I have now?

  2. #2
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Barbarian ranger combos were good back when ranger tempest 1 gave the 10% haste and it was one of the most common multiclasses. Since then FB 18 is too strong to pass up IMO. If you are going to go FB 2 you might as well go FB 3 - which is at least barbarian 18.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  3. #3
    Community Member Elation's Avatar
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    Default hey

    I have a dwarf 12 barb frenzy 2 6 ranger 2 fighter that started back in the 2006 time era as a 2 ranger 8 barb, the many shot is kinda cool i can sit back fully rages 60 str with 50 something con and do silly damamge with a bow. Its fun When my manyshot wears off i can close in and dps with the rest of the stand there and go afk auto attackers
    ashlick , bizkit, boobooface, breeewind, breunorson, crystalin, dreamless, drunkenorc, earthborn, elation, elazibeth, firesavant, ftwjust, gabrrielle, hiting, idelisa, inactive,jessamyne, keeblerorc,keighra, killia, layniebug, lmyc, mealltach, nicholete, ravinclaws, sapphiire, tairrdelbach, teenny

  4. #4
    Community Member ColaNorm's Avatar
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    I don't have a link for it, but you might want to take a look at the amazon build. I just TR'd one of my guys to a 36 point version of it and I'm really enjoying it.

  5. #5
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Barbarian ranger combos were good back when ranger tempest 1 gave the 10% haste and it was one of the most common multiclasses. Since then FB 18 is too strong to pass up IMO. If you are going to go FB 2 you might as well go FB 3 - which is at least barbarian 18.
    What he said.

  6. #6
    Lord of Dragons Maatogaeoth's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies everyone. Something to think about for sure.

    I found the Amazon thread:

  7. #7
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maatogaeoth View Post
    Thanks for the replies everyone. Something to think about for sure.

    I found the Amazon thread:
    That was before the Tempest nerfs in U5, 6 ranger splash were much better a year ago.

  8. #8
    Community Member ColaNorm's Avatar
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    Tempest I is definitly questionable these days with the 3 feats that get sucked up for it. But I think the Amazon is still a valid flavor build and more importantly demonstrates a solid means of pairing ranger and barbarian levels.

    Here's my spin on the amazon without taking tempest:

    I'm not really trying to plug this build though. There's definitly higher dps builds and the ranger spell casting perks get less and less shiney the higher you get, but if you'd like to not totally suck those rare times a bow makes the most sense I think ranger/barb is still an interesting mix.

  9. #9
    Lord of Dragons Maatogaeoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColaNorm View Post
    Tempest I is definitly questionable these days with the 3 feats that get sucked up for it. But I think the Amazon is still a valid flavor build and more importantly demonstrates a solid means of pairing ranger and barbarian levels.

    Here's my spin on the amazon without taking tempest:

    I'm not really trying to plug this build though. There's definitly higher dps builds and the ranger spell casting perks get less and less shiney the higher you get, but if you'd like to not totally suck those rare times a bow makes the most sense I think ranger/barb is still an interesting mix.
    Yeah, I was reading through the Amazon build and it seems most people have pulled away from burning the 3 feats to get Tempest and they still have fun with the build. I find myself soloing more often than not these days so I like what I'm reading with the Amazon being able to run around and do things solo.

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