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Thread: Scimitar user

  1. #21
    Community Member Alyssia's Avatar
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    I have been contemplating making an elf TWF scimitar-wielding FvS for a while myself (18 FvS, 2 Monk). I am at a bit of a loss, though... I can not quite decide whether to go with 18 str, 15 dex, 12 con, 10 int, 8 wis, 11 cha - or - 16 str, 15 dex, 12 con, 10 int, 14 wis, 11 cha. Basically, either max out strength, or lower it by 2 to get 6 more wisdom for higher AC.

    Feats wise, it will be pretty standard: TWF chain, Toughness, Power Attack, Imp Crit: Slashing, Quicken, Maximize. The missing feat is still up in the air, but that is easy to try out (either Extend if I get annoyed with short-duration buffs, Empower Healing or Empower Spell).

    Anyone have any thoughts (on the strength vs wisdom part, primarily)?

  2. #22
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I'd probably go 16 str, 10 wis, and put the surplus points into other attributes (int for skills, maybe). Depending on your intended gear/tome setup, a 17 str might work out better.

    I just can't stand having penalties on stats, particularly when one of them keys a saving throw.

    14 wisdom won't do you any good beyond the +2 will save. It won't make any difference at all past about level 3 on your offensive spellcasting.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  3. #23
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    14 wisdom won't do you any good beyond the +2 will save. It won't make any difference at all past about level 3 on your offensive spellcasting.
    I have to disagree here.
    I have a similar build where I started Wis at 14 instead of dumping it. I also have one that dumped Wisdom. I also have one that's Wisdom based. The 14 start, plus the 2 points from AP that the build that completely dumped Wisdom wouldn't take, makes his DC for Blade Barrier 4 points higher. I know it's only 4 points, but I have certainly noticed a difference with it. It doesn't hit as hard as often as a Wisdom based build would, but I have seen all three in action, and it is my opinion that it is worth the points considering it only comes at the cost of +1 to hit and +1 damage on melee.

    edit: As to the last feat choice:
    I went with Empowered Healing on the Wisdom dumped build, and Empower on the 14 start. Neither choice was regrettable to me. The Wisdom Dumped build makes a better healer because of it, but the 14 start is still effective. The 14 start just needs to alternate between Heal and scroll usage when healing a tank, whereas the Wis dump just needs Heal.
    Last edited by Calebro; 05-19-2011 at 02:42 PM.

  4. #24
    Community Member Alyssia's Avatar
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    Thanks for the comments. Personally, I think will save is pretty useless, especially to a divine with easy access to death ward, freedom of movement and protection from evil. I was not really thinking the DCs getting anything near useful with a wisdom starting that low, though I have never made a character like that so Calebro may very well be correct.

    I was pretty much solely thinking about Armour Class, though as I have not really made any characters with a decent enough AC, I am not really sure if the +3 from the wisdom difference is enough to make it a factor.

  5. #25
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alyssia View Post
    Thanks for the comments. Personally, I think will save is pretty useless, especially to a divine with easy access to death ward, freedom of movement and protection from evil. I was not really thinking the DCs getting anything near useful with a wisdom starting that low, though I have never made a character like that so Calebro may very well be correct.

    I was pretty much solely thinking about Armour Class, though as I have not really made any characters with a decent enough AC, I am not really sure if the +3 from the wisdom difference is enough to make it a factor.
    Will save and armor class are non-factors.
    You can get a decent AC for high levels, but it costs a ton of gear slots which will be better used for casting/melee improvements instead, especially when healing yourself isn't a problem. Ac can be useful until around 14th level or so, but after that it's only worth attempting on tank type builds and monk splashed rogues, which both can still have decent DPS even when going for AC.

    The only consideration is whether or not those few points will help your BB DC. As I said, it's a noticeable difference. But it isn't a huge difference. Simply noticeable. I see more failed saves on the mid-range Ref save mobs. The mobs with very poor Ref saves still fail, just like they do on a Wis dump. The mobs with high Ref saves still save just like they do with a Wis dump. But the mobs with a mid range Ref save is where you'll see a difference. On a Wis dump, they save. On a mid range Wis, sometimes they save and sometimes they fail.
    That, to me, is worth +1 attack and +1 damage. You have to decide if it's worth it to you.

  6. #26
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    I keep trying to make this build...but my desire to DP/BB/Cometfall everything gets in my way of hitting it with my sharp, curved green sticky things I have.

    The Evoker builds have been so strong for me, I am going to have to convert my Clonk into a Favonk on the next TR.

    Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.

    AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.

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