Given the U9 changes, what would folks suggest for a fast leveling build, primarily for the past life?
34 or 36 point builds okay, but not builds that require particular past lives (e.g., no instant kill builds dropping Spell Pen under the assumption the character has multiple Wizard past lives). Any race/class okay.
The focus should be on quickly and effectively leveling to 20, probably soloing much of the time (so self-healing is a must), with raid effectiveness as an incidental concern and no worry at all for performance at cap. Level 19 doesn't matter at all and Level 20 only matters a bit -- the build will likely hold at 18 until generating enough XP to cap, then be played only briefly at cap (likely no more than a couple of weeks of raiding/epics, and very possibly not more than a day or two before being TRed again).
It used to be that a Force/Enchangment wiz/rogue archmage, fully specced in the force/repair line, was one of the best choices for this kind of thing, but I'm not sure if that's true post-U9. I don't have much experience with arcanes.
Builds I'm considering:
18/2 Human or Elf Pale Master Wiz/Rogue specced for Necro and Conjuration (web), minor focus in cold and electric for the DoTs
18/2 Warforged Archmage Wiz/Rogue, specced for Necro and Conjuration (taking only the 2nd level Conj SLA, though), minor focus in cold and repair
18/2 Warforged Archmage Wiz/Rogue, specced for Force and Conjuration (taking 3rd level Force SLA and 2nd level Conj SLA, minor focus in acid and repair
20 Drow Palemaster, specced for Necro and Enchantment, with investment in the force line
18/2 Elf Palemaster Wiz/Monk, specced for Necro and Enchantment with investment in Cold and full stealth skills (still get evasion, no need for GSP b/c of Elven Arcanum, 2 toughness feats from Monk counteract elven squishiness)
As you can see, I'm leaning toward an evasion build with self-healing and immunities . . . seems best for solo zerging. I'd appreciate any thoughts!
EDIT: Added 18/2 Elven Palemaster/monk to the list of possibilities. I might post a build for this later, it seems nice.