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  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by emptysands View Post
    I was looking at this today - guildie is farming von1 for a SOS scroll - 3 scrolls/2hours. Assuming (I'm not sure if this is true) an equal drop rate out of the 19 items, that means about 5% chance for each scroll to be a SoS scroll.

    So the chance not to get a SoS scroll is 95%. Scroll drops are independent, so in any given sequence of 16 scroll drops the chance to not get a SoS scroll is 44%. 16 scroll drops is about 11 hours hard farming grind. A SoS scroll is worth, say, 6 reds at the moment?

    Ignoring raid timers, if we compare this to Shroud with a good group 30min completion is possible for 1.25 larges. 11 hours will see 22 completions or about 27.5 larges - 6 reds are about 6 LDS, 8 LSS, + 1 RDS, maybe about the same.

    The difference being that 22 completions would take 2 months or 5 toons in two weeks vs 12 hour day for a 56% chance at a SOS scroll.

    I'm sure I'll get some correction on the drop rates - from memory the pt4 chest as a 25% chance to drop a Large. Plus the scroll drop rate might not be even.

    EDIT: Just to add another point of comparison. Haven't done this for a while, but IQ farming with a basic haggle skill should generate 100kp/hour. At 1mill plat for 6 red scales, that's equal to 60 hours plat farming.
    just like to say firstly if i can buy 6 red scales off you for 1 mill plat then ill meet you by the mailbox on market 1, 2 mins after servers come up.

    2ndly if you scroll farm you dont complete so no timer therfore can do 22 runs in 10 hours or less for a 56% cHace of a sos scroll in your calculations

    3rdly only scrolls you see for sale are the junk ones most people dont need last time i looked on the marketplace a scroll of the maralith chain was 25 frds.
    Most of the scroll trading i have seen is either scroll for scroll or scroll for frds,lds,
    wich leads us back to the op that scroll rate should be raised for full parties vs solo farming.

  2. #102
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    There's a big difference between being lucky enough to snatch up a crumb the casters left behind and being a necessary member of the group.
    But it's ok when casters are relegated to buff dispensers and nanny healbots. Obviously.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  3. #103
    Community Member dingal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    But it's ok when casters are relegated to buff dispensers and nanny healbots. Obviously.
    It's also ok to not read the rest of the thread and make ignorant statements by taking a single statement out of context apparently. Or so your post would have me assume.
    April 27th, 2011 - Dungeons and Casters Unlimited is released to the public
    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    This is an impressive min/min build.

  4. #104
    Community Member Vint's Avatar
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    A guildie and I were in chrono farming for about 3 hours. Of course, nothing good dropped. Another guildie logs on and decides to come in on a character (dont remember what it was, he was just piking anyways). Within 5 mins of being in he gets a cloak and docent scroll! True story.

    Since that day, I have quit farming. I dont care if the drops are increased or not, I was not mad at my guildie, I was just frustrated at the mechanic of how this happens. I did not post here to complain about it either. It was not worth it to me anymore to farm and get nothing.That being said, I still love playing my casters. They are great way to two-box when leveling.

    What bothers me is that when people keep yelling nerf! There are alot of things I would lie to change about the game, but with the influx of "nerf this, nerf that" I get frustrated with what will make people happy.

    A year or so ago, monks were all the rage. They had some of the best abilities in the game, that made barbarians look bad. I rolled one to cap, didn't like it and deleted him. Could I have come to the boards and complained? Sure! But what does that accomplish? Ruin the game for alot of people that have put time and effort and endless hours of farming for the right gear. I decided to play what was fun, not nessicarily what was the "best DPS".

    Please quit yelling nerf. You may not like the mechanic of the game, but dont ruin the fun of the game for everyone else.


  5. #105
    The Hatchery Lehmu's Avatar
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    When did this thread become a Casters vs Melee thread?

    I read the OP, and it was mostly about how solo farming is a lot more profitable than farming as a group.

    Personally, I don't mind this too much. It means I can log my farming toon when I don't want to deal with other people for a while and still work towards getting that new shiny I want.

    On the other hand, sometimes I'd like to get a scroll for that new shiny while playing in a group. Right now it's a lot more difficult unless we're all in different instances doing our own thing. Even then, that's not really group play.

  6. #106
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    My proposed solution to this, have a 1 or 2% chance of getting a scroll in your chest, even if it's in lieu of a seal/shard (except for eDeeps where you get a shard guaranteed). The end boss in a 6 man epic should have a 5% chance to drop a scroll, and an epic raid boss a 7-10% chance to drop a scroll. Maybe even a 2-3% chance for mini-bosses like Blood Plate. Keep all other drop rates the same.

    This would allow melees to farm VON 2 and 4 and ADQ 1 for scrolls/seals at least. Trade for fens scrolls with those. And outside of that, allows casters the ability to relax and enjoy their melee a bit more when their guild wants to run a chrono because they have the regular drop rate plus 5 chest chances at a scroll, a chance from Blood Plate and one from Razor Arm, and a chance from the Abishai. The mob ones will still get randomly distributed.

    The current mechanic of end boss dropping a scroll 1% of the time is ludicrous. Fnishing the raid should net a little more than a chance at a shard. Run chrono for 2 weeks and you'll likely have all the seals and shards you'll ever need. Having a 1/12 chance at a 1% chance to drop scroll is sickening at best. Having a 1/12 chances at a 10% drop gives a sense of progress towards end items. On average, you would get a scroll from the end boss every 12 runs. If you run 2 a day, you'll get 1 scroll per week, and that's not great but it's something.

    A plethora of possible solutions, but it's been suggested numerous times to put scrolls in chests. So for those who say 'casters are the power of DnD, they deserve to have wealth and scrolls if they farm' well, keep your scroll drop rate. For those who say 'it's not fair to those who would rather play melees' well, now you have a small but better chance at least, and you don't need to worry about sharing your scroll. For those who say 'the drop rate is fine' try playing melee only for a month and tell me how many scrolls you pull. And for those who would say 'well, if there are scrolls in chests, the market price will go down and it's a slap in the face to casters' well, make the chest scrolls BtA.

    I apologize for the large amount of text, but seriously, I don't know any players in game who farm, who wouldn't like better drop rates. They farm because they HAVE to, not because they enjoy it.

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ew_vastano View Post
    just like to say firstly if i can buy 6 red scales off you for 1 mill plat then ill meet you by the mailbox on market 1, 2 mins after servers come up.

    Hey, it was late when I wrote that, I guess that's worse. One scale is a million plat on Khyber at the moment. Maybe they should nerf evon6 - obviously any toon that can run evon6 can get too wealthy.

    2ndly if you scroll farm you dont complete so no timer therfore can do 22 runs in 10 hours or less for a 56% cHace of a sos scroll in your calculations

    Yeah I said that. 12 hours, because 10 hours grind is not easy - you'll probably need a drink, too pee or whatever

    3rdly only scrolls you see for sale are the junk ones most people dont need last time i looked on the marketplace a scroll of the maralith chain was 25 frds.

    Sands are a whole different ball game. There is what 65 epic items in the Sands? 1.5% chance. You can do say 50 kills in a single DQ1 run - in say 30min, or 1/hour. 12 hours nets you a 17% chance to get any given scroll.

    Most of the scroll trading i have seen is either scroll for scroll or scroll for frds,lds,
    wich leads us back to the op that scroll rate should be raised for full parties vs solo farming.

    The drop rate for RDS is about 1 in every 10 runs and the drop rate for LDS is about 1 in every 5 runs. At 30min/run, 25 RDS is about 125 hours. The difference being that 12 people can hit a eVON6 chest and the economy value within a social/guild group might be different.
    Reply in red.

  8. #108
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    Silly People,

    The game is just fine. If you want something, Get some guildies together, go run it. Say hey, i need this, going to farm, anyone want to come. And if it drops i'll help you get xxx item when you need it .

    Wow. Holy simplicity.

    Its now simple, you can have 5 people come keep you company while you scroll farm.

    Wow simplicity is the best solution.
    I am one of the 1%

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