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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Feb 2006

    Default Crafting scrolls, wands, staves, daily use items

    These types of items are staples in D&D, and should be able to be implemented fairly easily, once the rest of the crafting system is fleshed out. Here is how I'd implement them.

    Scrolls: Use the inscribe scroll feat, either giving it to all spell casters, or allow wizards to get it free and other spell casters to take it as a feat. Only wizards would be able to use it to add to their spellbooks, but other casters could use it to create scrolls of the spells they have memorized. With the feat on their hot bar, and the appropriate level spell inscription materials in inventory, they select a blank scroll (either purchaed from an NPC reagent seller or by disjoining another scroll) and click on the inscribe scroll feat. This brings up a window with the spells memorized to select from, then it asks you what caster level to make the spell (min lvl to cast the spell to max of your caster lvl). This would construct a scroll of xxxxx (xx lvl). If they are unbound, casters would be able to make a profit off of selling them in the AH, since they are used in crafting other items. If they are BtA, people would benefit from having a high level caster on their account. If BtC the character only would benefit.

    Wands: Include shard recipes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd lvl shards of wand charging (wands can only hold up to 3rd lvl spells in D&D). Then combine the shard with a disjoined wand, and a stack of scrolls. Each scroll provides 5 charges for the wand (max 50 charges), and the caster level is the caster level on the scrolls. If you make it so craftable wands aren't destroyed when they reach 0 charges, the wands can be recharged by adding more scrolls.

    Staves: Include shard recipes for 1st - 6th lvl shards of staff charging (Staves can hold up to 6th lvl spells in D&D). Then combine the shard with a disjoined staff, and a stack of scrolls. Each scroll provides 3 charges (max 30 charges) for the staff and the caster level is the caster level of the scrolls. If you make it so craftable staves aren't destroyed at 0 charges, then they can be recharged with more scrolls.

    Daily use items: Include shard recipes for 1st - 9th lvl shards of daily use. Then combine the shard with the disjoined item and a stack of scrolls. Each scroll adds 1 daily use (max 5 charges), and the caster level is the caster level on the scrolls.

    This would allow quite a bit of extra utility to the crafting system, and add a lot of the flavor of D&D crafting. All of these shards would be suffixes, making the items named wand of xxxx (xx lvl), staff of xxxx (xx lvl), item of xxxx (xx). wands would also be able to have a prefix, since they would be craftable now.
    Last edited by daydrmrzzz; 05-13-2011 at 10:37 PM. Reason: fixed a minor typo

  2. #2
    Community Member Soulstabber's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    I gotta confess I would rather be able to craft something like returning arrows, returning throwing weapons, quivers and stuff like that, since we have a shortage of items in those sections, specially arrows, i have a bowbarian and use +5 arcane arrows because its too much of a hassle to keep swapping/looting arrows to burn almost 1 stack in like 1 many shot. Also I rather make something like a +1 holy returning arrow than a Healing wand, since I would be able to use it from lower lvls to high end.
    Just my 2 cents, I would love that they add more stuff to the crafting systems (because I think the way it is right now sucks.. its not good for lower lvls, mid lvls, or high end... I am not sure who they are aiming at...)

  3. #3
    Community Member Gleep_Wurp's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Default id be happy

    if i could use one wand to recharge/top off an other.crafting from scratch is cool too, but i tend to throw away/sell wands with 20 or less charges because of pack space.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Feb 2006


    Yes, Soulstabber, I'd like to see the ability to craft arrows, bolts, and throwing weapons as well. All in all, I'd like a complete crafting system where you can make customized gear of all kinds. I'm not the type who wants to craft stuff equal to the uber raid gear, or quest chain named items. We need to have some stuff better than the crafted gear in order to make it worthwhile running the uber content. I'm more interested in making customized gear, instead of having to depend on the luck of random gear generation or paying huge prices as the AH for decent gear. For that matter, I'd like the ability to put effects on nonstandard items, possibly at the cost of 2 or 3 times the number of shards so I could have (just as an example) Charismatic gloves instead of a helm, cloak, necklace, or ring.

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