remaking since this is now a discussion type thread.....
remaking since this is now a discussion type thread.....
Last edited by kerupted; 05-15-2011 at 11:49 PM.
I may be mistaken, but I thought portals were neutral, which would make holy useless. I couldn't find a source on this, and can't remember off the top of my head, so I could very well be wrong. In any case, I believe smiting has become the king of portal beaters at this point.
Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!
ya i have been hearing that smiting has been awesome against them.....
but i am not a super duper master when it comes to the numbers thing for this game but....
smiting only works on for a monk its mainly 19-20's....
the GCB is just a more constant amount of damage.....
so its up to u if u want these or look for smiting wraps.....
well i been ina shroud testing these wraps and i was doing about 40-60 ish damage per hit....
so if the wraps with smiting was an average of 4.5 damage per hit more.....
thats only about a 8%-12% increase if it was 5 damage per hit more....
and so far the cheapest i was able to locate was about 1m plat for sum +1 AXIOMATIC wraps of SMITING....
so u can go around and check around and what not but ppl will just ask for high amounts i guess....
based on the values of 1m to a chrono boot scroll <-- was funny but they tried i guess....
ill put mine at 300k-400k plat .....would more prefer plat since im 5 shrouds from my next TR and could use sum YUGO pot cash
my math above hast it at 3.825 better if you hit on a 2 or better. I think he counted the 100 damage on crits not just vorpal.
but no one has to have a special portal beater at all much less the best most damage ones. yet people do. No one has to have the best of everything but people grind for hours, days , weeks even months to get the best stuff.
Am I going to pay a lots of money to replace my holy CGB with a holy smiting nope just for beating on shroud portals? not a chance.
Move along , Nothing to see here
I was under the impression that all portals in the game were immune to crit effects...thus the need for a GCB item. Holy,axiomatic, and chaos have always worked because the ports are listed as neutral constructs. If smiting is now a property that is < than con bane that's a huge boost to party DPS potential regarding portals in all the various quests they're in.
ThwartedFhalhaenaWrekkinWrexxMaisterThwarteddHematemesisRhayzedOffensiveReductionShillelahFhalhaenaPimpin toons since 2006AVATAR
Shroud portals are Lawful Evil so Holy and Anarchic work great , Axiomatic does not.
now for the damage math.
Greater banes give 3d6 + 4 extra damage. so for HW
roll 1 = 0
2-20 = 10.5 *19 (bane) + 4 * 19 (extra plus) = 275.5
div by 20 for 13.775 avg damage per swing
Smiters give +4d6 +100 on rolls that would be vorpal not any crit.
roll 1= 0
2-19 = 14 * 18 (4d6 avg) = 252 + 100 from a vorpal for 352
div by 20 for avg = 17.6
so smiters give an extra 3.825 damage per swing.
so if you miss on a 2 or higher without CGB extra plus from a bane weapon use a GCB otherwise smite away.
Move along , Nothing to see here
Yep. I use Holy smiter on the portals these days. Lucky I kept it in the bank on accident.![]()
“No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Smiting raises the level of the item more than greater bane. greater bane is +6 levels, smiting is 10. Edit, checked in game, smiter is 4 levels more than greater bane, not 2, added more info two posts down![]()
Last edited by jeremyt; 05-15-2011 at 06:25 PM.
I realize that, just saying, in your calcs you list the difference as 3.8 or something. Thats all things being equal. I was just pointing out that the ML cost difference was not accounted for.
Actually checked in game. have a +1 shock shortsword of smiting. its ML 12
+4 acid q-staff of GCB is ML 14.
+1 greater bane is lev 6/ +1 smiter is 10. Lev dif is 4. So the greater bane can get one of these six things that the smiter cannot:
1)+2 hit/dam
2) 1d6 and +1 hit/dam
3) 2d6
4) 1d6 + burst
5) 2d6 +burst -1 hit and dam
6) burst +1 hit and dam
The most a smiter could theoretically get back as far as costs go is when comparing a +5 2d6 w/ burst greater bane (ML 20 item, most cost avail to a greater bane) with a +4 2d6 w/ burst smiter with a racial req (ML 20)
Last edited by jeremyt; 05-16-2011 at 05:43 PM.