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  1. #1

    Default A matter of semantics

    Orange-named mini bosses now get deathblock on epic difficulty.
    My early-childhood-spent-gaming just rolled over in its grave. Given every devil, abishai, and orange name now has deathblock on Lama, I would submit this release note should be:

    Orange-named monsters now get deathblock on epic difficulty.
    Unless of course, Cordovan and Madfloyd and Flimsy are gonna go into the Chrono quest code and hack up every "Bearded Devil" currently named "Bearded Devil" to
    randomly select name from list of the following 100:
    "Floyd The Tipsy Bearded Devil"
    "Big JopJop but not as Huge JopJop but bigger than medium JopJop Bearded Devil"
    "Bill Nye the Science Devil"
    "Cindy the prosthetic-beard She Bearded Devil"
    "Ralph the Bearded Devil who's breath smells like Devil Chow"

    Cuz they aren't minibosses without their own name... and even then its a stretch to have 100+ respawning minibosses in one quest of the length < 1 hour as per video gaming dogma.

    Just saying. K... thanx.

    Bill Nye the Science Devil is the one at the top-left of the pic.
    Casual DDOaholic

  2. #2
    Community Member Ridag's Avatar
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    Agreed, this is not just "Mini-Bosses".

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    /puts on Devil’advocacy hat for a moment

    Maybe it’s only supposed to apply to minibosses and the application to others is an unexpected bug?

    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  5. #5
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    I don't understand your title - but on the rest /agreed.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  6. #6
    Community Member kyleann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    I don't understand your title - but on the rest /agreed.
    I think it was spelled was meant to be an "e" not an "a".

    Also, what quest gives the Devil's Advocacy hat?

    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM View Post
    It is good forever*!

    *forever ends at a time of our choosing

  7. #7



    Semantics: the meaning, or an interpretation of the meaning, of a word, sign, sentence, etc.: Let's not argue about semantics.

    I had a problem with the word choice of "mini bosses". There were already 2 threads with the title orange named blah blahs.
    Casual DDOaholic

  8. #8
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post
    "Cindy the prosthetic-beard She Bearded Devil"
    She single?

    Also, agreed. The whole point of Red-Names was that these mobs were immune to our normal "bag of tricks". Then Epic Ward came around, and made everything immune. Now we're rescinding it... oh but only sorta. Because we put in 1 orange-named mob for every 3 regular mobs, so it's really not changing too much.

  9. #9
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    In my mind Orange names don't need to be bosses but elite mobs to watch out for.

    They need to change the few mobs they want deathwarded to red names and leave the orange names how they are.

    More work, yes.
    Better gameplay, yes

    OR give Orange names a buff opposite minion with a saves buff, and just remove PWK.
    Blind Faith


  10. #10
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post
    Given every devil, abishai, and orange name now has deathblock on Lama, I would submit this release note should be:
    um unless they made massive sweeping changes to many epic quests, thats blantantly false.

    Epic DA:
    First wave of devils are named yes - Vermin Keepers. Probably not intended for them to be tough, but rather for the name to match the fact the wave is acompnied by vermin (well actually it isnt lol, thtas only valid on lower difficulties, as the scorpions/bats on epic aren't considered vermin)
    All later waves past the first ~8 devils:
    Minions. Not oranged named, not subject to this change.

    So around 95% of the devils here aren't subject.

    First area has 1 oranged named barbazu. Starts with a b.
    Every other devils in the raid is either a minion, red or purple named, not orange.

    So close to 99% of mobs not subject to this change here.

    You really haven't thought this out if you think this is a big deal for "devils"

    It has some major impacts for certain quests, but no devil related ones I can think of.

    Main I think will change - and imo NEEDS to be changed as it causes problems is "A small problem"
    Ran it today, wizard used power word kill on the named air elemental.. Killing this essentially breaks taht section of the quest.. As hes meant to be mostly unkillable sicne it has like 90000000 hp (and you cant complete the objectives if he dies). Tho it is fixable by jumping down a forcing a reset/respawn - but this isnt clear at all and would really confuse if not completely destroy some groups that arent aware.
    But the end fight has 4 bosses.. 3 are mini bosses that are meant to be tough, as they have around 100k HP each... We ran in, worked them a bit.. then kerblam, wizard kills all 3 BOSSSES in 1 wail of the banshee. like ***? thats meant to be hard?

    It has no major impacts on gameplay except that quest, and very few others.

    In original epics - desert and von, in 95% of cases, any named mob that is orange on elite - was set to red named on epic. So for those packs, nothing changes.
    Laterp acks have some oranged named on epic since they kinda figuredo ut that with epic ward, they arent getting insta killd anyways, so its more fair.. But now things hav change,d thus this change - is neccesary.

    Think things out better before you complain.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    First area has 1 oranged named barbazu. Starts with a b.
    Every other devils in the raid is either a minion, red or purple named, not orange.
    False. Every bearded devil in eChronoscope is an orange-named mob, as is every Red Abishai air legion. Also, those Bearded Devils and Abishai weren't minions pre U9. They never had the save debuff, which was why pre U9 you really wanted a wizzy with an enchant DC 40+ to run that quest well.

    Which is why I think they should not make it a blanket change (all orange-nameds gain deathblock) and should instead be on a mob-by-mob basis (ie Unique, named, orange-named mobs like Sobrien should gain deathblock).

  12. #12
    Community Member Velexia's Avatar
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    I think a nice compromise would be a dispellable deathblock, but who am I kidding, this is Turbine.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Get more Aliens quotes into Voice Chat: This makes the "evac" a much more tactical choice, and puts some serious pressure on the rest of the group when your Wizard leaves. "Game over man, game over! Now what the **** are we supposed to do?"

  13. #13
    Community Member Ebonta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    um unless they made massive sweeping changes to many epic quests, thats blantantly false.

    Epic DA:
    First wave of devils are named yes - Vermin Keepers. Probably not intended for them to be tough, but rather for the name to match the fact the wave is acompnied by vermin (well actually it isnt lol, thtas only valid on lower difficulties, as the scorpions/bats on epic aren't considered vermin)
    All later waves past the first ~8 devils:
    Minions. Not oranged named, not subject to this change.

    So around 95% of the devils here aren't subject.

    First area has 1 oranged named barbazu. Starts with a b.
    Every other devils in the raid is either a minion, red or purple named, not orange.

    So close to 99% of mobs not subject to this change here.

    You really haven't thought this out if you think this is a big deal for "devils"

    It has some major impacts for certain quests, but no devil related ones I can think of.

    Main I think will change - and imo NEEDS to be changed as it causes problems is "A small problem"
    Ran it today, wizard used power word kill on the named air elemental.. Killing this essentially breaks taht section of the quest.. As hes meant to be mostly unkillable sicne it has like 90000000 hp (and you cant complete the objectives if he dies). Tho it is fixable by jumping down a forcing a reset/respawn - but this isnt clear at all and would really confuse if not completely destroy some groups that arent aware.
    But the end fight has 4 bosses.. 3 are mini bosses that are meant to be tough, as they have around 100k HP each... We ran in, worked them a bit.. then kerblam, wizard kills all 3 BOSSSES in 1 wail of the banshee. like ***? thats meant to be hard?

    It has no major impacts on gameplay except that quest, and very few others.

    In original epics - desert and von, in 95% of cases, any named mob that is orange on elite - was set to red named on epic. So for those packs, nothing changes.
    Laterp acks have some oranged named on epic since they kinda figuredo ut that with epic ward, they arent getting insta killd anyways, so its more fair.. But now things hav change,d thus this change - is neccesary.

    Think things out better before you complain.
    Most of the mobs in Chronoscope are orange named. Bazdor is an orange named... then every devil after him is orange named. Then every Abishai in the quest is orange named. Went in and tested it, they have Deathblock. A lot of mobs in epics are orange named that really shouldn't be. Take Epic Wizard-King for example, the Gnoll Packmaster's are orange named. I honestly have no idea why.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Too busy rampaging to repair right now.

  14. #14
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebonta View Post
    Most of the mobs in Chronoscope are orange named
    Yea I went there to verify that.. Thats not true.

    Yea i was wrong the devils are oranged named, didn't notice before since I have my colors set different then that, so not orange for me... But yea they have deathblock.

    Most of the mobs in chronoscope tho.. Actually aren't devils.
    The majority of the mobs, well over 50%, are tieflings. Every tiefling in chronoscope is a minion.

    As well as 90% of the devils and tieflings in epic devils assault.

    So my point remains.. Your guys are heavily exagerating.

    It's not a big deal.

    Chronscope was always a joke of a raid. I've alwasy refered to it as the "casual epic" raid.. I can take the first 11 ppl to sign up at any givne hour, and guarentee a 100% success rate, thats not very challenging or epic.

    So no, any noob no matter how bad his stat are should not be able to power word kill a 10,000 hp devil (well given a good roll on SR check). Sorry. Play it on normal if you wanna do that.

    The devils are still really easy to kill, I solo'd the first bit of the raid on my fleshy sorc, which is not a very optimized char, being i lvld him in about an hour.. Lacking a lot of gear and things like favor hp/pack slots.

    A few webs, polar rays, otilukes and acid rains later, and I was at the bank with minimal difficulty..

    Abishai are particular easy for a water savant, i took one down in exactly 2 polar rays.. With double range, I can take them down extremely fast, long before they can even react.

    Still a joke of a raid. It should not be possible to 2man/solo an epic raid, or even get to the bosses with such ease.

    Oh and here's a quick pic showing just how hard epic chrono is now:
    Sorc, with zero enchant spec.. and a terrible +23 spell pen, mass held everyone.. 2 shot the tiefling minion.. That was after clearing all the archers and mages with powerkill/energy drain/fod (no necro spec either, so I figured id use energy drain to be safe, nothing saved even once

    So yea, stop worrying.. Palemaster will still dominate the killcoutns in epic chrono and DA just as now, with sorcs only coming in a distant 2nd since the tiefling hp is still pretty high (lil over 3k, so cant quite 1 shot em with a polar ray unless i use debuff and get realy lucky)
    Last edited by Shade; 05-15-2011 at 01:28 PM.

  15. #15
    The Hatchery
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    Most of the Orange named devils in eChrono had such high fort saves that my wizard's 41 Necro DC almost never worked on them, anyway.

    I'll miss PWK/Powerdrain+FoD'ing those obnoxiously dangerous Abishai, though.

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