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  1. #1
    Founder Creadance's Avatar
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    Default Looking For Idea's on Rogue Mechanic Build

    Since it only goes to Mechanic 2 was looking for Ideas on splashes that will still let me eventually do epic traps.
    Would 12 Rogue/8 Ranger build be better then 12 Rogue/ 8 Monk with Monkey animal path?
    Life is just a candle and a dream
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  2. #2
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Well, it sort of depends on what you are doing when you aren't playing with the traps.

    Ranger offers you some TWF feats for free and some other stuff but eats some feats if you are looking to go Tempest I. It has the advantage of giving a lot of skill points so makes keeping important rogue skills maxed when you have to spend double on cross-skills.

    Monk gets you first level PrE -- Shintao or Ninja Spy -- but is a level short of Touch of Death should you go dark path. It might be a decent splash option if you are thinking high AC but that probably isn't in your thinking.

    Fighter gets you first level PrE plus 5 combat feats and 2 STR enhancements so maybe a good option if you are really melee focused. You might like fighter 7/monk 1 for the same number of bonus feats and the monk boost to unarmored AC. The down side is that fighters have really low skill points so that makes it tricky during leveling to make sure you keep the rogue skills up. Fighter 6/monk 1 with rogue again at L20 for the extra SA die and skill points to top off?

    Of course, you could always go rogue 12/rogue 8 (that would work out to rogue 20) for the SA and capstone -- which I think is worthwhile. IMO this is really a better path since it permits mechanic III if it ever materializes plus keeps you in the SA business.

    A lot depends on stat choices and on how you envision playing the character. I'm sure there are lots of other options that people like.

  3. #3
    Founder Creadance's Avatar
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    I still have a long way to go so far I am 6th level Rogue 1 level fighter but think of using my +2 lesser true heart to change to 1 monk 6th level rogue and maybe go to
    19th level rogue for the ac since I am mainly going to use Repeter crossbows been saving a few nice ones like the +3 Metalic Heavy Repeter of Pure good for boss betters until I can craft a few GS ones.
    Life is just a candle and a dream
    Must give it flame :Rush

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    I just posted a rogue 13 / rgr 6 build which combines Mechanic with Deepwood Sniper. It won't have the SA DPS for a pure Mechanic; but it gets a lot more feats, which I use to beef up its melee DPS. It'll also get Bow STR & Manyshot free, which provides an extra burst DPS option.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    Ranger offers you some TWF feats for free and some other stuff but eats some feats if you are looking to go Tempest I. It has the advantage of giving a lot of skill points so makes keeping important rogue skills maxed when you have to spend double on cross-skills.
    Actually the major draws of Ranger 6+ are DWS for increased SA ranged (I think about 60% more?) and the free ranged feats like rapidshot & Bow Str. Any of the free melee feats are a waste since there's no penalties to firing of a xbow at melee range (well at least no penalties beyond ranged combat in general being broken)

    A fun thing to do with a Mech/Ranger is focus on both the Bow AND the Xbow so you can fire off manyshot when its available and than swap to the repeater since its RoF is much faster than a bows. This Require Str/Dex/Int to be high with anything left to be in Con but its doable.

    Personally I think Unbongwah's build focuses too much on melee which is IMHO opinion is pointless and my reasoning is in his thread but that's just opinion most think otherwise and I can see why...melee combat is in every way superior...but if your going to make a "ranged" character that should be your focus otherwise drop it and just make a melee toon.

    I also think your still better off going Pure Rogue...but I'm waiting to see what DWS2 brings to the table to make my final decision....besides my Repeater Rogue is shelved until they decide to actually fix the smorgasbord of bugs affecting ranged weapons (dissapearing shots, reload after 1 shot,etc.)

    Oh and for Repeater Rogue advice in general go's a big thread but its worth the read...even if you only read the first post and the builds within.
    Last edited by Failedlegend; 05-13-2011 at 11:16 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  6. #6
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    Actually the major draws of Ranger 6+ are DWS for increased SA ranged (I think about 60% more?) and the free ranged feats like rapidshot.
    Right, that is unbongwah's build approach which he recently shared on the forums.

    Silly me, I still think that pew-pew builds will switch to melee for close combat. This is particularly the case when TWF produces more damage as a general rule. I forget that there is a hard-core group of players who never put down their bow/repeater since PBS lets them shoot away even at melee range.

    Still, even if players were to swap to TWF it makes good sense to go DWS since the ranger only gets a player the tier I enhancement. Tempest probably doesn't come into its own until at least tier II.

    Thanks for the catch.

  7. #7
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Look, it is established that ranged is less damage. It is also established that a large portion of players cry that the game is too easy, then refuse to play anything that makes the game a little more difficult. Seems odd, eh?

    That being said.....

    My Mechanic is not mostly Rogue.

    Mine is Rog 6/Rgr 13 currently, to end 14 Rgr.

    Halfling with DMs, it doesn't get much more survivable without being a WF caster or a Clr/FvS.

    Name is Machinegunn/Khyber is you'd like to take a peek via MyDDO.

    Full Halfling DMs + Rgr Devotion 4 + SupDev6 clicky = some good healing

    The only time this character pulls out melee weapons is for Shroud portal beating.

    This character plays like a FPS, and is a ton of fun.

    I doubt I will respec to pick up DWS, not enough bonus to lose DMs....

    Edit- I know I need a ton of gear still.
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

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