I want to make a Rogue Cleric, basically all i want is a Rogue with healing spells.
I want to make a Rogue Cleric, basically all i want is a Rogue with healing spells.
Heal others or just heal yourself?
Yes its possible with a variety of ways and means.
I think im going to remake my character as a cleric at level 1 and take a lvl 1 rogue at level 2, because the only reason i want to be a rogue is for the traps and stuff like that.
And btw im using the healing spells for a 3 person party.
All Rogues can heal partially with UMD. You can go Halfling with DMs beyond that. Anything further and you're a Cleric with partial Rogue skills.
If you ever plan to splash rog, ALWAYS take the first level as rog. Reason is because at lv 1 a rog gets 40ish skillpoints to spend, which is a nice starting boost to all stats.
And also, a rog splashed cleric is a hard thing to make, skill points as you level get tighter and tighter, and most rog skills are 2 pts to raise 1 as a cleric.
Its not impossible, its been done, just its not easy.(Not much synergy between rog and cleric)
(That Guy! build) http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=3957241#p3957241
Search the forums for "clogue".
When splashing rogue the rogue level should come first. There are alot of
skill points available, it would be a shame to waste them.
It's in your best interest to research this type of build before starting it.
GL, Cheers
You see in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
I know this is off topic, sorry there OP.
I also have a static 3-man party. We have a barbarian, and a paladin. I am the Cleric.
We all made to level 20 without having a trapper. We just find ways to work around traps, etc etc. Yup, I know traps are annoying, but you can complete almost all the quest without a trapper.
(Arrghhh, we can't complete Crucible Elite though without an evasion toon.. )
here is the build of a clogue of mine that I've leveled to 20...He is a raid capable healer with fully capable rogue skills.
He was more than capable at trapping all the way through from 1-20 even running quest on elite below level...the key to getting traps while leveling up (on almost any character) is keeping your trapping gear up to date.
Note, this was a 32pt build before TR was available and while there was still no ML on tomes. Some adjustments would have to be made to build a similar character today.