Been thinking about making a portal beater so I can contribute ever so slightly to portal DPS (currently I just whack them with my caster mod weapons).
With my current crafting levels, I could make a +2 vicious (blank) of lesser construct bane, and I'm not willing to really grind out the levels to make something significantly better.
Another option would be dual Midnight Greetings from sentinels of stormreach (Int mod to damage instead of Str).
So assuming a +3 or 4 Str mod and a +14 Int mod (which should increase as I get closer to my ideal gear) which would be better for whacking those portals?
If the winner is the crafted one, should I go with greataxe for the higher base damage or staff for the slightly higher swing speed (Portals have virtually no AC as I understand, I don't think non-proficiency would be an issue)?