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  1. #1
    Community Member EBE's Avatar
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    Default Shroud questions

    I just finished flagging my first character for the Shroud (lvl 18 wiz), and I had a few questions. I wanted to know what types of spells are effective for both buffing and damage? Also is there any specific knowledge that I need to know as a wizard for any specific part that is extremly useful or required. All help is greatly appreciated as I start this journey into a new world of DDO.

  2. #2
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    Buffs:GH, resist/protect energy (fire specifically), rage and haste (the standard ones really). Fireshield blue is also nice if a stray meteor swarm comes your way.

    Insta-kills: with the new timers, just load out. Wail, Finger, Circle of Death and Power word kill.

    CC: Otto's irresistable then enervation for orthons that make their save on your instakills. Mass hold is nice but not essential. Likewise for dancing sphere.

    Damage: Eladur's electric surge (can't stress how awesome this is against the boss).
    Niac's biting cold (not as good as surge but still up there).
    Polar Ray
    and your favorite between ice storm and acid rain (based on which element you've focused on for enhancements)
    Disintegrate for the crystals only (you'll see)

    Other: KNOCK!!!!!!

    That's about it.

    Also, print out the pic in this thread:
    Last edited by Ytteri; 05-12-2011 at 08:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Teen's Avatar
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    If you want to have more fun drop disengrate go on the crystal and firewall and meteor swarm it for fun
    D E S T R U C T I O N


  4. #4
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    I am sure other people can give you more details, here's what I know, for what it is worth.

    Buffs that you could cast:
    fire resist
    true seeing
    haste & rage (of course)

    sphere of dancing
    dimension door
    your usual complement of kill stuff spells.

    No pets past part 2 seems to be the consensus, especially don't want them in part 3 as they can cause your party to lose out on a couple of chests if not cause failure. In part 4 and 5 pets used to bug harry causing failure.

    Part 1: Casters seem to kill mobs that spawn around the portals, maybe casting on the portals some.
    Part 2: Generally a caster will be the one that destroys the crystal after the lieutenants are killed...from what I've read any direct damage spells will work.
    Part 3: Learn to solve your own puzzle. There are great threads here from which you can learn them ahead of time. If you can't solve your puzzle don't be shy about asking for help. Based on the game "lights out". Relying on a solver will slow you down.
    Part 4: disco ball in center, stay out of the blades, be able to heal yourself some as most healing with be focused on the melee ball in the middle.
    Part 5: kill and try to avoid dying

    So, anyway, that's what I've seen most commonly having not been an arcane in the shroud, just as the cleric and bard.

  5. #5
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    Just remember to NOT use Elder's/Niacs in part 2 if you are on the monsters.

  6. #6
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thesoulgazer View Post
    Just remember to NOT use Elder's/Niacs in part 2 if you are on the monsters.
    Yeah, I vastly underestimated how much my divine punishment would do...sorry about that, guys.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thesoulgazer View Post
    Just remember to NOT use Elder's/Niacs in part 2 if you are on the monsters.
    LOL yeah, that would be disastrous, should have mentioned it. All your best damage/time spells are for parts 4 and 5 only. You can do good damage in part 2 with polar ray or whatever but you need to carefully control your damage so you're not killing stuff when you dont want to. 4 guys need to go down simultaneously, kinda like the giant/dragon combo in Tor.

  8. #8
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Don't join a LFM that has some of the following in it: zerg, minimal buffs, no ddoor, /death at end, fast, bring your own buffs things to that nature... It's going to give you a more unrealisitic view of how most of the crappy shroud pugs operate (which is what you'll find yourself in more often then not)

  9. #9
    Community Member rodallec's Avatar
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    Yeah buff before and after every portal
    And don't forget the dance ball In the middle of part 4!!!!!

  10. #10
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thesoulgazer View Post
    Just remember to NOT use Elder's/Niacs in part 2 if you are on the monsters.
    Not necessarily, for his first run, yes. After a few runs you will learn what you can/cannot handle for aggro. A caster can make part 2 a 30 second joke if played correctly.

    Concentrate on 1 boss, no AoE spells, pull to the side when needing to split and profit.

    I agree that everyone should learn to solve puzzles without a solver, just to be on the safe side. None of the puzzles are that difficult and there are training guildes available here that you can practice on without being in game.

    Learn them, use them, love them. They will keep you warm on a cold night of questing.
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
    A team-killing f-tard is a team-killing f-tard, no matter how long they've played.

  11. #11
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    I'm going to make a couple of observations here.

    First, it seems clear some servers are still running Shroud part 2 and pulling the 4 lieutenants separately instead of together. If you pull them all together to the southwest corner they refuse to die until you pull them apart. This lets you drop them all to zero hitpoints and makes trying to time the damage so all drop together totally irrelevant.

    Second, the only way the pull to the southwest fails is when people get too excited and mug the first lieutenant to arrive. The group has to show enough discipline to wait on the slow pokes -- usually fire or the gnoll who stop to cast spells rather than chasing after you and sometimes earth who tries to earthgrab.

    Third, I saw dimension door mentioned. Don't load that. If you make a mistake and cast it anyplace other than at the end of part 5 you'll have some dweeb taking the d-door. D-door takes you to the entrance in part 0 and the portal into part 1 closes down after a short timer (under 1 minute). Dweeb (and it is usually 2 or 3 of them) can't get back to the group. Quest over for them.

    It use to be that people wanted d-doors from part 5 because a simple finish out sent them who knows where (usually to the Twelve outside of the Vale). That has been fixed for a long time and finishing out takes you back to Meridia. (Oh.... People want out of part 5 because they don't want to finish the raid so they don't go on timer, they want to loot run the first parts. They stay for part 5 to kill Harry for the rest of the group so anyone wanting to can finish.)

    Maybe you know this and have run Shroud on other characters, just not your wizard. So if you do then sorry for the unneeded info. But, if you've never run Shroud and you are also running it on your wizard for the first time ever....

    Well, in that case it's info you should have.

    Lastly, I've run several times on my wizard and the issue with spell cool downs is really a non-issue. On normal the trogs that pop in part 1 are pretty weak and most groups can melee them if needed (in fact, if they can't you are probably already in trouble). The only thing you really need to look for is portal keepers.

    Otherwise, just Wail/FoD/etc. If the mob isn't cleared when the beaters arrive just move on and let them deal with the leftovers.

  12. #12
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    I'm going to make a couple of observations here.

    First, it seems clear some servers are still running Shroud part 2 and pulling the 4 lieutenants separately instead of together. If you pull them all together to the southwest corner they refuse to die until you pull them apart. This lets you drop them all to zero hitpoints and makes trying to time the damage so all drop together totally irrelevant.

    Second, the only way the pull to the southwest fails is when people get too excited and mug the first lieutenant to arrive. The group has to show enough discipline to wait on the slow pokes -- usually fire or the gnoll who stop to cast spells rather than chasing after you and sometimes earth who tries to earthgrab.

    Third, I saw dimension door mentioned. Don't load that. If you make a mistake and cast it anyplace other than at the end of part 5 you'll have some dweeb taking the d-door. D-door takes you to the entrance in part 0 and the portal into part 1 closes down after a short timer (under 1 minute). Dweeb (and it is usually 2 or 3 of them) can't get back to the group. Quest over for them.

    It use to be that people wanted d-doors from part 5 because a simple finish out sent them who knows where (usually to the Twelve outside of the Vale). That has been fixed for a long time and finishing out takes you back to Meridia. (Oh.... People want out of part 5 because they don't want to finish the raid so they don't go on timer, they want to loot run the first parts. They stay for part 5 to kill Harry for the rest of the group so anyone wanting to can finish.)

    Maybe you know this and have run Shroud on other characters, just not your wizard. So if you do then sorry for the unneeded info. But, if you've never run Shroud and you are also running it on your wizard for the first time ever....

    Well, in that case it's info you should have.

    Lastly, I've run several times on my wizard and the issue with spell cool downs is really a non-issue. On normal the trogs that pop in part 1 are pretty weak and most groups can melee them if needed (in fact, if they can't you are probably already in trouble). The only thing you really need to look for is portal keepers.

    Otherwise, just Wail/FoD/etc. If the mob isn't cleared when the beaters arrive just move on and let them deal with the leftovers.
    Honestly, I don't know any group on Sarlona at least, who is pulling the seperating the mobs in part 2. What I discussed was pulling "A" mob once they are all prepped. Very few groups wait around for a d-door anymore either.

    When running groups, I tell everyone before stepping into part 1 to /death or recall out at 15% or so giving even slow loaders ample time to escape.
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
    A team-killing f-tard is a team-killing f-tard, no matter how long they've played.

  13. #13
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pallol_One-Eye View Post
    Honestly, I don't know any group on Sarlona at least, who is pulling the seperating the mobs in part 2. What I discussed was pulling "A" mob once they are all prepped.
    Glad to hear that. Sorry I misunderstood you.

  14. #14
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pallol_One-Eye View Post
    When running groups, I tell everyone before stepping into part 1 to /death or recall out at 15% or so giving even slow loaders ample time to escape.
    We generally do it differently. Many times d-door is available and offered. But, even when it isn't we just take the small amount of extra time it takes for people to get out and drop group. In the big scheme of things it isn't an issue.

    The d-door bit really was aimed at OP being a first time wizard in Shroud. It is easy to make a mistake with d-door. If he wants to load it at least wait until after shrining at the end of part 4.

  15. #15
    Community Member Oobiedoobienoobie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EBE View Post
    Also is there any specific knowledge that I need to know as a wizard for any specific part that is extremly useful or required. All help is greatly appreciated as I start this journey into a new world of DDO.
    Regarding this part of your quote and to add to MartinusWyllt's post, caster-specific stuff, assuming you are completely new:

    PART 1 -
    It's the caster's job to take care of spawning portal trash and, god forbid, Portal Keepers that come out as a result of failure to do so. Run with or ahead (assuming you know the pattern) of the mass group of melees with each portal. Keepers are your first priority to kill if they come out. Keep the portal party hasted.

    PART 2 -
    One caster will be responsible for taking out the crystal in the middle of the maze once all four red-names are dead. It can't be damaged until then. You'll want it to go down as fast as possible before all the "ghosts" of the red-names return to it. I hear stacking firewalls is popular for taking it out.

    PART 3 -
    Yes, learn to solve your own puzzle and if you can't, be sure to tell the party where you are (NW, SE, etc.) and what type of puzzle you have (3x3, 5x5, etc.) Here to practice: NO PETS (see below).

    PART 4 -
    Biggest thing here is to avoid the moving blades since you'll likely be staying around the perimeter of the room (i.e. don't die.) If it takes multiple rounds to kill Harry (he'll be in the middle,) it's the caster's job to take care of the gnoll trash that will spawn around the outside (again as fast as possible.)

    PART 5 -
    Don't kill the kited mob if there is one until they say go. The water pools/fountains will regen sp if you need it.

    Obviously there will be some variants to above, but in Sarlona that's how I've experienced most non-guilded runs to be like. I'm also a big proponent of the NO PETS philosophy: they might kill a mob in part 2 before it's ready, they'll attack crystals/walk all over the puzzle lights in part 3 (annoying as all hell,) not to mention the potential for bugs and quirks in parts 4 and 5. If you're in doubt about anything, always speak up and ask the group.
    Last edited by Oobiedoobienoobie; 05-13-2011 at 10:07 AM.
    And here, poor fool, with all my lore,
    I stand no wiser than before.

  16. #16
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    Glad to hear that. Sorry I misunderstood you.

    No worries mate, I wasn't being sarcastic or anything, just trying to clear the confusion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    We generally do it differently. Many times d-door is available and offered. But, even when it isn't we just take the small amount of extra time it takes for people to get out and drop group. In the big scheme of things it isn't an issue.

    The d-door bit really was aimed at OP being a first time wizard in Shroud. It is easy to make a mistake with d-door. If he wants to load it at least wait until after shrining at the end of part 4.
    Many runs on Sarlona now don't throw d-doors anymore. Many of us run the silly grind of rinse and repeat 4-7 alts a night, so even 2 minutes per run can add up to time savings in the long run is all I'm saying. Those of us who do it this way "usually" state so up front and forewarn the group.

    Its been a nice change of pace the past few weeks seeing 20-25 minute pure PUG runs, maybe people are finally getting it???
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
    A team-killing f-tard is a team-killing f-tard, no matter how long they've played.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    Don't join a LFM that has some of the following in it: zerg, minimal buffs, no ddoor, /death at end, fast, bring your own buffs things to that nature... It's going to give you a more unrealisitic view of how most of the crappy shroud pugs operate (which is what you'll find yourself in more often then not)

    More importantly, don't join any runs with "might be waffles"...there is a high likelihood that you'll lean an interesting thing about a sheep...
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  18. #18
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    More importantly, don't join any runs with "might be waffles"...there is a high likelihood that you'll lean an interesting thing about a sheep...
    Also, if you see an LFM with "Please link wife-beaters" be prepared to get griefed. Actually had several people shoot me tells saying they though that was offensive and wanted me to take it down.

    A "wife-beater" is a redneck-tank top generally considered to be worn under a shirt....unless you are a redneck. Then you wear it prominently as outerwear and enjoy the looks.

    /true story
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
    A team-killing f-tard is a team-killing f-tard, no matter how long they've played.

  19. #19
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    I'm going to make a couple of observations here.

    First, it seems clear some servers are still running Shroud part 2 and pulling the 4 lieutenants separately instead of together. If you pull them all together to the southwest corner they refuse to die until you pull them apart. This lets you drop them all to zero hitpoints and makes trying to time the damage so all drop together totally irrelevant.

    Second, the only way the pull to the southwest fails is when people get too excited and mug the first lieutenant to arrive. The group has to show enough discipline to wait on the slow pokes -- usually fire or the gnoll who stop to cast spells rather than chasing after you and sometimes earth who tries to earthgrab.

    Third, I saw dimension door mentioned. Don't load that. If you make a mistake and cast it anyplace other than at the end of part 5 you'll have some dweeb taking the d-door. D-door takes you to the entrance in part 0 and the portal into part 1 closes down after a short timer (under 1 minute). Unless recently changed its several minutes Dweeb (and it is usually 2 or 3 of them) can't get back to the group. Quest over for them.

    It use to be that people wanted d-doors from part 5 because a simple finish out sent them who knows where (usually to the Twelve outside of the Vale)Much worse, it took you back to the harbor That has been fixed for a long time and finishing out takes you back to Meridia. (Oh.... People want out of part 5 because they don't want to finish the raid so they don't go on timer, they want to loot run the first parts. They stay for part 5 to kill Harry for the rest of the group so anyone wanting to can finish.)

    Maybe you know this and have run Shroud on other characters, just not your wizard. So if you do then sorry for the unneeded info. But, if you've never run Shroud and you are also running it on your wizard for the first time ever....

    Well, in that case it's info you should have.

    Lastly, I've run several times on my wizard and the issue with spell cool downs is really a non-issue. On normal the trogs that pop in part 1 are pretty weak and most groups can melee them if needed (in fact, if they can't you are probably already in trouble). The only thing you really need to look for is portal keepers.

    Otherwise, just Wail/FoD/etc. If the mob isn't cleared when the beaters arrive just move on and let them deal with the leftovers.
    just a few points of clarification
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  20. #20
    Community Member hermespan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pallol_One-Eye View Post
    Also, if you see an LFM with "Please link wife-beaters" be prepared to get griefed. Actually had several people shoot me tells saying they though that was offensive and wanted me to take it down.

    A "wife-beater" is a redneck-tank top generally considered to be worn under a shirt....unless you are a redneck. Then you wear it prominently as outerwear and enjoy the looks.

    /true story
    no way, a wife beater is a sleeveless t-shirt. Get your redneck right!

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